Large Land Splice Using OOO and ROM

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:37 am

Hi all.

I am running a short list of mods because I wanted this run to be really clean. No CTDs so far so I am happy, but there is a strange large land splice in my game that cuts off the bridge between Leyawinn and Bravil. The bridge is above Fort Nomore, almost exactly at the midpoint between Sheogorath's Shrine and the Shivering Isles Portal. The bridge just goes out into mid air with the whole side of the hill it goes to removed.

I am just running:

OOO 1.33 Complete
ROM 2.3 (built on OOO so should be compatible...)
All Natural
Animated Window Lighting System
Immersive Interiors
And some textures...

Any ideas?
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:29 pm

It might help (it's worth a try) to post your load order, like so:

Additionally, I would suggest posting a link to a screenshot of the land tear. Well, perhaps only if the load order should prove fruitless. But we are visual creatures, so...

edit: Note that the Wrye Bash method is vastly preferable.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:19 am

That bridge is a known error in Vanilla Oblivion too. usually happens when one item rolls from one cell to another - I think there is an hourglass under that bridge that slips and rolls away, causing the issue.

I think the UOP fixed this, so you should install the UOP, and its supplementals.
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Len swann
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:59 am

Oooh, yup, I remember seeing the hour glass in the water.

I actually can't get the load order right now, on a different computer and company stopped by right as I was posting this, so I forgot to include Lost Spires v14 in there. But ok, I have the Unofficial Patches, but I used the installers, I guess maybe not a good idea on windows 7. When I get back I'll try making omods out of the patches instead.

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stevie trent
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