» Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:21 am
I like the wilderness more than the cities, but I'm not sure if that's mainly because the cities have been so disappointing. The IC in Oblivion felt like the "central hub" of a large city, but sadly, the rest of the city didn't exist, aside from a tiny "waterfront" district with a mere handful of shacks.
I can understand the limitations of developing a huge world, and that making several large cities with wide open expanses between them would take an enormous amount of time and money. In the case of Morrowind, the game's overall "scope" was reduced to that of a small quarantined island (Vvardenfell) within Morrowind province. It worked, despite the lack of huge cities and vast open spaces, because it was SUPPOSED to be limited in size and only recently settled. The gigantic Imperial City, and the rest of the enormous province of Cyrodiil along with it, were shrunken down in OB into a tiny area only a shade larger than the small island of Vvarndenfell within modest-sized Morrowind province, and it felt entirely wrong. OB could have worked if it were restricted to the island which contained the IC (which could have been expanded to the size of the OB map), rather than attempting to pass it off as the entire huge province.
In other words, I could be happy with either a larger city at the expense of some smaller towns, OR more wilderness at the expense of the cities, or even a lot more small towns with sufficient room between them and no real cities within the area of the game. Just don't try to shoehorn all of that into something the size of a postage stamp and then fiddle with the timescale to try to make it "feel" larger by having 30 minute days.