Let's begin:
-Your normal movement speed while walking is 100%(1.0), logical, right?
Well, in fact, if you equip any weapon(for example, the SCAR AR), your walking speed decreases to 98%(0.98) due to the added weight. In other words, your movement speed will depend on how heavy the weapon you're holding is.
Example: While equipping the MK MOD 0 LMG, your speed decreases to 96%(0.96), simply because the MK MOD is a heavier weapon than the SCAR.
*The Feline, K-Volt, Grenade, C4, and all secondary weapons give you 100%(1.0) movement speed due to them being extremely lightweight. This is one of the reasons why everybody uses the Feline, speed.
-Now, let's think logically once more. If you're trying to aim at an enemy down your sights, you'll slow down to be more accurate, right? This applies to Crysis 2's mechanics as well.
While ADS(holding L1), your speed decreases from 96-100% to 50-80% depending on how heavy your weapon is.
*The only weapons that give you 80% movement speed while ADS are your secondary weapons.
*Attaching an Assault Scope or Sniper Scope to your weapon will ALWAYS decrease your ADS speed. No other attachment affects movement speed except for the glitched Laser Sights.
AIM ENHANCE III. Allows you to move faster while ADS(holding the L1 button).
This module will multiply your movement speed while ADS by 1.6x no matter which weapon is equipped!
Example: The SCAR's movement speed while ADS with Iron sights is 60%(0.6). Multiply it by 1.6 and you get 96%(0.96), so with Aim enhance III equipped, you will only be 4% slower while aiming than while walking.
The Glitch
Now, for the actual bug.
For every weapon in the game, adding any attachment will NOT decrease your movement speed. The only exceptions are Assault and Sniper scopes.
The Laser Sight attachment is included, it does NOT raise your ADS speed in any of the 10 weapons that can equip it. EXCEPT FOR THE SCAR.
The SCAR's ADS speed is 60%(0.6) without any attachments, 60%(0.6) with the Reflex Sight, 50%(0.5) with the Assault Scope, but it's speed with the Laser Sight attachment is 75%(0.75)!
If you don't understand, that means somebody with the Laser Sight attached to his/her SCAR will allow him to aim while moving 15% faster than anybody else! This makes a HUGE difference in firefights.
The 1.6x multiplier from Aim Enhance III is applied to the 75% movement speed of the Laser SCAR!
0.75x1.6=1.2 or in percentage: 120%
So, to all of you saying the Laser Sight SCAR is "just good". What do you think when I say:
You move FASTER while ADS than you do while walking, ONLY for the Laser Sight SCAR. This means you can basically dodge enemy bullets and melee while firing back at your enemy with AMAZING accuracy thanks to the Aim Enhance module and Laser attachment.
The Laser Sight SCAR is a bugged weapon
*As a side note, the MK MOD also gains a 5% boost while ADS from it's normal speed. This is also a glitch, but is overlooked because it's not good enough to give you an advantage, and we can't have that.
All information is provided by DenKirson's detailed anolysis of the Crysis 2 arsenal and the mechanics behind them. If you wish to see proof of my statement, take a look at the "movement speed" portion of the graph he made in the following link: