» Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:51 am
I feel for you mate, I really do, as in any case where a consumer doesn't recieve the product as described. However:
You knew it was over priced. The Alduin product, even in perfect condition, isn't exactly what I'd call a quality product. The real reason the CE sells is the artbook and the fact that it makes the overall experience of the product feel richer and more rewarding. The product being everything from the game itself to the packaging its contained in, it all comes down to the experience. It's why unboxing videos are so popular on youtube - people want to know what to expect, to replicate that feel of opening something special for the first time.
You were doomed from the start, as before you even purchased the product you knew nothing contained within could possibly be worth the money you paid for it. To many people the game itself feels like its worth more than £130, but we all know you could of bought that standalone product for 30 bucks from a local retailer.
I do hope you have some degree of luck recieving an Alduin statue in good condition as you definatly deserve it for the amount of money you've paid. After all, is customer service not a part of the experience?