Last DG Quest "Kindred Judgment" won't start

Post » Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:12 pm

I guess I have the best chance for a solution in the official bethesda forum, so excuse me for my bad english, I'm from Germany...but my problems seems to be very rare and i didn't find the solution elsewhere.

The problem is simple. After obtaining Auriel's Bow, the next quest won't start. I sided with the Volkihar Vampires. Serana doesn't have new dialogue, except for creating bloodcursed arrows. I tried every dialogue option of Gelebor but this don't change anything. I found a discussion about this bug on uesp wiki. It seems I can't post links in this forum, so just search "skyrim talk kindred judgment" via Google, it is the first page.

I tried almost very idea mentioned there. I tried the following console commands:

setstage DLC1VQ08 10 or 20


completequest DLC1VQ08

resetquest DLC1VQ08

setstage DLC1VQ08 10

There is no output and no quest update.

I tried this suggestion as well:

"After having this bug for weeks, I was able to fix it with a combination of the creation kit and setstage. Apparently its some dialogue condition for Serena that is preventing the quest from starting. So I enabled this quest in creation kit to 'Start Game Enabled'. This made it so after getting the bow, I would start Kindred Judgement. Serena still wouldn't have the dialogue option at this point. But I was able to setstage DLC1VQ08 20 to skip that part and move things ahead so I could showdown with Harkon. I have the .esp file if people want it."

I created a esp like that. I enabled "Start Game Enabled", but it doesn't help me either.

I'm not sure whether or not old savegames have the same problem. At first, I thought the setstage command would work with savegames before starting the dawnguard questline and sucessfully start the quest. But I retried it and now the console command won't start the quest even in completely new savegames. Maybe I used a wrong ID at first...

By using the command "setstage DLC1VQ08 20", I just get the output (with savegames before starting the dawnguard questline)

GetGlobalValue >> 0.0

GetGlobalValue >> 0.0

That is everything I tried so far. Of course I also deactivated every Plugin for all my test, but that doesn't help. Last idea would be complete reinstalltion, but I would like to avoid that, because I can't know if that will fix the problem and I have very slow internet (250 kb/s), so it would take quite a while.

But despite the deactivation of my plugins, I post here my compelte plugin list:



Masters of Death.esp=1
Civil War Overhaul.esp=1
Better Vampires.esp=1
WATER Plants.esp=1
WATER DB Waves.esp=1
SoS - Civilization.esp=1
SoS - The Dungeons.esp=1
SoS - The Wilds.esp=1
Predator Vision.esp=1
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1
Convenient Horses.esp=1
Midas Magic Expanded.esp=0

I hope someone here has another good idea...If you need more information, then ask me. I hope my text is comprehensible.

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des lynam
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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:41 pm

Your English is fine. It's way better than than those who type here. ;)

Good thing you're on PC as it will be much easier for you.

Because I'm on console, I can only recommend you reload a previous save.
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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:09 pm

I already tried some earlier savegames. But it doesn't help. And as I wrote, I can't start the quest with the console at all, not matter which savegame I choose. I think they all won't work. But of course I didn't try to play the very old savegames to that point, only the newer ones. It would take too much time.

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Post » Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:08 am

I will reinstall the game...I hope that will fix the problem. And this is the reason: I tried to fix the problem with esp file I created. To be honest, I'm not sure what exactly I did, I never created a mod, but I gave it a try. Well, I tried my esp and it broke the quest "Touching the sky". I can't get Auriel's bow anymore an the quest won't complete correctly. Console Commands won't help. I deactivated my esp. I deleted it and startet the game and I was surprised: The quest "Touching the Sky" was still broken! I never saved the game and even a new game has the quest broken, I can't activate "Touching the sky" with console commands. I don't understand it at all? Why does this happen? Why can a simple esp break the game forever, even without saving? I doesn't matter anymore, because I will have to reinstall the game anyway. I just wonder. And I don't want to repeat the same mistake.

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Claudia Cook
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Post » Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:18 am

If you still have the same issue or another problem crops up I would suggest you take that issue here.

The PC forum should have comprehensive answers to any of your problems. There are usually people available on the general forum who can help give workarounds, I'm sorry we weren't able to help you resolve the issue. I myself am certainly not qualified to answer such a question as you brought up.

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alicia hillier
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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:42 pm

I had similar problem once. I would suggest veryfing your game cahe via Steam, redownload required files (Steam will do it automatically), and reload soe earlier saves, probably the best would tha before you enter the Chantry or before confrontation with Vyrthur.

Cleaning your save files might also help, futhermore I suggest disabling any mods affecting DG questline/Castle Volkihar/Vampire NPCs, except betterVampires.esp, it's safe to use.

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