Hi i killed all Scavengers but still captain ironside didnt finished quest and i cant go on. Quest target shows inside ship but nothin there too plz s1 help me i got stuck . tried save load etc . what to do what to do. help me asap plz
Hi i killed all Scavengers but still captain ironside didnt finished quest and i cant go on. Quest target shows inside ship but nothin there too plz s1 help me i got stuck . tried save load etc . what to do what to do. help me asap plz
I remember that you had to fix components on the ship, and I think it was after you kill the raiders.
I could be wrong though, its been a little while since I did that one.
I've just finished this mission & loved it. He gets you to do a fair amount of tasks which I'm assuming you've completed? I can't go into to much detail without revealing spoilers. Try researching it on google for any clues that you may have over looked.
You can't talk to Ironsides until you talk to the Bosun first. There should be a quest pointer to him. He'll tell you what you need to do (fix relays, if memory serves). After that, you'll see al the relay stations being pointed to. You only need to do a few.
After that, then Ironsides will give you more quests.
If you've fixed everything on the ship, then had the big scavenger attack and cleared out all hostiles inside and out, the next step should be being asked to go flick a switch back at ground level. If you're on the deck, the quest marker will point to the interior because the game engine thinks you need to go through the ship to get back to ground level.
Right there. I had a bug where Ironsides wouldn't ask you to go flick that last switch. He stayed in combat mode even after everything was dead and my pipboy had updated the quest. I ended up reverting to a save just before the last battle and re-doing it faster.
Worth it, though. Good weapon, and fun ending.
after big scavenger attack ( at that time i was at deck ) we killed all of them and thats it . quest stucked at Defend the U.S.S constaliation . i searched everywhere there s no scavenger left . i talked every robots nothing happened still . my save was too before i cant go back :/ how can i skip that step or restart quest or smth