» Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:09 pm
The only highlight of my day so far has been playing the free demo of Abe's Odyssee and giggling at the dialogue.
"Hello." Hello!" "Follow me." "Ok!" "I donno!" Love it. Stress relief = running Abe into something to make him fall over, get up, and growl.
Stress = trying to keep a whole flat semi-tidy, whilst having two killer essays due in less than three weeks, one of which is on an extremely depressing topic which is my fault but is too late to change now, the other on something I have absolutely zero interest in which was not my fault, as well as two exams the following weeks, while my brain is being strangled by a lack of lively conversation around the place. I tried to tidy up my room and move a few things around in it to make it a nicer place to be in and maybe inspire me to do some essay work, but alas, it didn't work.
I mean, I try to initiate some form of nice chat, but I just get stonewalled by my flatmate's insistence on simply replying by telling me what he feels like at that point in time, which is usually a sentence drawn at random from about 6 different 'wants.' E.g:
Me: The bus driver nearly crashed into a parked car today.
Flatmate: I want cake.
Guh. I stop ranting now.