Oh my God, another fan! I'm so used to people hating on them, I don't know what to do when I don't have to defend them!
Wow, most of my buddies know who, and like Breaking Benjamin. They are one of my favorite bands(probably top 7). Breakdown l is probably my favorite song, and iirc, the first song I ever heard of theirs/the one that got me interested in them. I think it was part of the soundtrack for a modern re-imagining of Icabod Crane movie, but I like almost all of them.
On another note, I am quite pleased with my sugars today, after my first day at the new lower dosage, my sugars were great, and I even forgot to take my breakfast fast-acting insulin(I take two types) and my sugar at lunchtime was great(86). A good sign! Had a good day of RPing over on giantitp.com in my Forgotten Realms adventure. Also, had a fairly relaxing walk(only fairly because both little ones were with, and well, kids are kids) that was made better by a small amount of rain falling during it