Here's the build:
Name: Tank
S. 9(+1)
P. 5
E. 9(+1)
C. 2
I. 5(+1)
A. 5(+1)
L. 5 (+1)
Main skills:
Melee Weapons
Built to Destroy
Heavy Handed
Confirmed Bachelor (Just for the damage, this character isn't gay in the slightest.)
Bloody Mess
Hand Loader
Toughness x2
Shotgun Surgeon
Super Slam
Adamantium Skeleton
Unstoppable Force
Jury Rigging
Preferred Companion:
Raul, to compensate for Built to Destroy.
Preferred Weapons:
Minigun (Avenger)
Hammer (Oh Baby!)
Shotguns (Riot Shotgun)
Preferred Armor:
As heavy as possible. I-51b Power Armor, most likely.
So basically all this guy does is crush skulls with hammers or sprays bullets at larger groups with shotguns or miniguns. All the while taking as little damage as possible, with high armor, implants and perks.
I think it's going to be a fun playthrough, because I'm used to playing with high Speech and Lockpick and stuff. Now I'm just gonna blast my way through everything

So tell me what you think and whether or not it could use improvement.