Youtube has handfuls of videos of people that are already playing the PS3 version and it looks damn good. Compared to the PC version it even looks good. The game was clearly a early build for the demo and the game looks very solid. As far as the for the fan boy of XBOX. 40% failure rate is all I got to say. When modern warfare 2 came out, thousands of Xboxs crashed and burned, when halo 3 came out Customer service fired up the repair staff again I personally was one who couldnt play halo, thanks red ring of death. When Halo Reach came out, well you guessed it, fail. The Xbox 360 is one big epic fail and even if they win is some categories for graphics, well, Ill be playing crysis 2 on launch day will you? {phone rings} oh you have a date with xbox 360 customer service in Indonesia good luck. But Crysis 2 is gonna be bad ass, and the people that are still around, keep your preorder and check out some youtube videos to satisfy that craving.
P.S. Killzone 3 pwns Killzone vs Crysis 2? Who cares were playing two great games on the rock solid PS3.
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