Launcher and new graphics card not being detected

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:46 am

I bought the Deluxe Edition of Oblivon on Steam (GOTY + all DLCs).

The default Oblivion Launcher doesn't detect my graphics card (understandable, since it was made waaay after the game was released. It's a GTX460 BTW) and sets the graphics to "Medium".

I click on the "Ultra High" preset button and change the resolution to my native res (1920 x 1200).

However, in-game, I notice that the various sliders are still set into what appears to be Medium settings.

Of course it's a non-issue, I can just slide them all to max, but it had me thinking:

Do the Launcher's preset buttons even work at all?

I remember reading somewhere that there are some invisible settings (like shaders and what-not) being set by the Launcher that will only be set properly if the graphics hardware is properly recognized.

Does anyone know what values are being set for "Ultra High"? I don't mind going into the INI and manually applying them if I actually knew what is being set in the first place.

Skyrim, in comparison, has files Low.ini, Medium.ini, High.ini, etc, which can be used as a reference but no such files exist for Oblivon.

TLDR: Does anyone know the exact INI settings for "Ultra High". Please don't link me to a standard Oblivion Launcher because that's not the problem (I am seeing the Presets after all).
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IsAiah AkA figgy
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:44 am

All of the launchers pre-sets alter settings in the game's .ini file, so you might want to go through the .ini guide on He goes through every setting, so you can configure it to max (or above) manually.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:14 pm

The presets work to an extent, like setting certain INI values and in-game options. Though, they don't touch as much as you'd think.

Use this with care:

Personally, I'd make the changes with INI Tweaks in Bash to make things easier to test and roll back. There are some settings in the INI that you cannot change with the Launcher or in-game options. Some of the LOD settings and some of the water reflections need to be turned on manually, as well as some other things.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:50 am

Alright, thanks, will have a look at that TweakGuide.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:57 am

IF you want to find out for yourself -- delete the ini file - launch the game and when it sets it to medium (the default for unknown cards) - Exit the launcher and print a copy of your ini file --- relaunch press the Ultra High preset (or any other setting you want to see what it sets things at) -- Exit again and print the ini file again --- now compare the 2 and the things that changed are what is changed by the preset button !! ( Thing is not all settings are in the ini and the presets do change some other settings -- ie. I have a 5770 that is always autodetected as an Old Nvidia FX57xx series card that had Shader problems so it autosets to Ultra Low which changes some other things that Bethesda added especially for those cards to be able to run the game at all and it looks horrid and has other problems since it thinks it is an Nvidia card when it is actually an ATI card so the shader package it chooses is completely wrong so merely making some ini changes does not fix things So I have to be sure to use the Ultra high preset everytime the autodetect runs or the game has major problems !! (but that is a specific problem caused by the auto launcher seeing it as a problematic Nvidia card (since Nvidia implemented some "tweaks" to gain higher benchmark scores with those cards) instead of the ATI card it is and should not happen in your game since it defaults to medium properly !
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