I can't launch the game. The launcher gets stuck at Loading Defaults as soon as it comes up. Anyone else seen anything like this?
I can't launch the game. The launcher gets stuck at Loading Defaults as soon as it comes up. Anyone else seen anything like this?
Yes I have problems with my launcher as well.
I'll click it, it will show up in the system tray, but the game never starts.
I have to try 3, 4, 5, 6 times to get it to finally work.
I hope this gets fixed.
Yes stuck for ages at loading defaults aswell =/ ...
Same here. I tried to post on here about it earlier. My thread got locked after a mod repsonded. I have submitted a ticket. The solution they gave me didn't help at all.
This is what they told me:
Yeah. It didn't help me either. I've submitted another ticket. I'll post any updates here.
Well, I tried that stuff. It didn't help at all. I've also submitted a ticket, no response yet.
It's busy, a lot of people are getting off work, commuting home and have launched into the beta, which includes setting up accounts, downloading it etc, so these next few hours might have some lag. Restart the launcher in a few minutes. Be patient, things will settle down. I am sure during the stress tests they are actually reducing hardware at the peak just to see how much it can handle. At least that is what I would do. In past sessions it settles down later on in the first night and the weekends run pretty smoothly.
As soon as it was done with it's initial install, it downloads like 20GB worth. When the PLAY button is no longer gray, I click it and nothing happens. What gives? I'm running the Mac client. Anyone have a solution?
Thank you in advance.
I doubt it has anything to do with the amount of people getting on and the time of day. I've been at the computer trying this for about 5 hours now...
I know that can affect launchers, but I feel like I should have been able to get through after so long.
And, sorry rmagedon, I'm on PC.
CCNA, you mean the fact that the launcher is stuck on loading defaults is because of traffic ?
I mean'its not even downloading the game yet right, anyway I got no clue atm ^^
I just used my launcher and I get all the way into the login screen. Check the FAQs at ZOS, you may need to reinstall the launcher.
There is nothing in the FAQs about this issue. Just check again to be sure.
I have tried reinstalling the launcher, but will try again. Don't mind trying as long as it works.
I reinstalled my launcher, still does the same thing.
I don't know what they have in the FAQ's, I am not at all involved in ZOS Online. The issue is with the install or your download or your machine. Unfortunately, I don't know which one and the folks over at ZOS are better sorted to answer these questions. They have seen all the issues and solutions, I have seen very few because of NDA issues.
My launcher works so I can't troubleshoot it on my machine. W7-64 on Intel
Absolutely, if you have never launched the beta before now, then it has to go through the handshaking process and that requires some communications with a bunch of server apps, accounting, game ini files etc etc etc. Now, you may have done this before, but a million others have not. How many out of the million (millions?) of keys they gave out in the past two weeks are hittng the servers right now, I don't know, but I bet it is a lot. And, most of them have not ever launched the beta before now.
So, it could very well be traffic issues as I have seen this behavior in the past during earlier sessions. It gets much better after the rush hour(s).