Launcher Options NOT saving - Cannot play Fullscreen

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:52 pm

My issue is in regards to the Options menu in the launcher. I'm unable to save my settings, like unchecking the "Windowed Mode" toggle for instance. It does not save the new settings, so I'm unable to run the game in any other way but windowed at 800x500 resolution.
I have attempted the following, with no success:
? launch the game in Administrator mode
? set the .INI files to "non-read only"
? switched steam to offline mode
? launched the game as Administrator while in offline mode
? restarting the system
? restarting steam
? uninstalling and reinstalling Fallout 4
? set the steam launch settings to "-fullscreen"
? edited the ini files to force the resolution, like so:
bFull Screen=1
iSize H=1920
iSize W=1280
? I have even deleted the Fallout4Prefs file, it did not re-create a new one on start up, and I had to re-install the game.
None of my attempts have worked, and none of the information I can find online has helped.
one last time, heres my issue broken down:
I load up Fallout 4's Launcher
I select "Options"
I uncheck the "Windowed Mode" tick box
If I select "Play", Fallout 4 will launch in windowed mode at the default settings of 800x500
If I select "Options" again, all of my changes from before have been reset to default, and the "Windowed Mode" tick box remains checked.
Please rescue me from this hell.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:32 am

What happens when you run Steam as admin? Definitely looks like a permissions issue.

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Sweets Sweets
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