He is a stupid player cause I bested him ? Want to meet up with me to see if your a stupid player ? Even the elite players have fallen to unepected fangs.
I thought there was some humor to share in the video and something to pass on to the new players to learn from.
LOLz, Sultaan I still think about and remember we were battling it out on Pier 17, I went chasing you into the waters only to be dumbfounded when you disappeared....and then re-appeared behind me for a nice stealth kill butt-raqe. yes, good players can get owned sometimes too
Yea I remember that....I was running from you after taking some bad hits and I was able to use the little power I got back to go into cloak mode when I dove into the water. I thought for sure you were going kill me in the water. So I was trying to wiggle/dodge right to left in the water and the next thing I knew I came up behind you from out out of the water.....lol
It couldnt get more epic than that.....
jeah its humor!
he would only snuggle

but jup i would fight against u add me to ur friends
sure will
Nice video lol But why do you use nanovision all the time?
Multiple reasons:
I can aim better ie better eye and hand/mouse cordination. It all depends on the map though
As for the instance in the video when I rested behind the barricade out of enemy sight, of course as you could see I could not see him also.
I was trying to predict his moves. So my thought was he would go into cloak when approaching for the kill, my eyes were fixed on the ambient color of the cloak. When energy ran out it was timing I had to rely on.