Learn Abilities?

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:51 pm

Should they make it so that player is required to learn advanced skills prior to using them or should the player automatically know how to do these things?
"Please exclude assumed prior military experience"
For instance, should the player know how to repair and clean as well as use all manner of firearm?
Should the player automatically know how to use laser and plasma weapons?
What about medicine? Should you know how to use Rad Away? Is in an enema or an IV?
Should the player automatically know how to pick locks? It's not as easy as it looks.

What is your opinion?

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Peter P Canning
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:35 am

No, let the player character start with a basic skill group.

It'd be a damned short game otherwise, wouldn't it?

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meg knight
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:13 am

Considering how much you the player will use healing items, hack, pick locks, use various weapons, not making such things baseline possible would force players into certain builds. I know i'd be hard pressed to spend the first levels only unlock what in FO3 was a given.

Improving these skills so your character is better at it, sure. But that would be more of a choice "Do i make it easier for myself to hack? Or do i get better at using Pistols?" than "Do i get better at using Pistols, or do i unlock the ability to Hack so i don't pass up on these oppertunities constantly?".

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Laura Wilson
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:35 pm

No, that's needless complication that hasn't been in the prior games, and it would be really boring. Are you seriously asking for an enema tutorial?!

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Chris Jones
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:58 pm

What your asking for OP really isn't for "all players" and is better off as a modification to the game rather than the baseline.

It'd also get annoying over time as well even if it was fun at first.

Anyways over time the effectiveness of say "lockpicking" and skills like it will rapidly fall off and become useless over the course of the game for those that do not put points in anyways.

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Sarah Kim
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:14 am

Yes and No. Obviously certain things are just basic and come naturally through trial-and-error, which don't require special training. While the things that should require training should be left to perks.

We shouldn't require training for Stimpaks or Radaway, because Stimpaks are basically like an inoculation, and I always assumed RadAway was administered orally or through an IV. Same thing with energy weapons. I'm pretty sure anyone could find the power button/safety switch and pull the trigger just like any other gun. And repairing anything in Fallout is basically jury-rigging, which anyone with a brain can attempt.

Save "training only" for the truly complicated stuff.

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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:56 pm

Assuming your PC is a veteran, I am guessing that they are likely a Special Forces type - trained in the use of a variety of weapons, hacking, lock picking, stealth, etc. Now, maybe they were a medic, or a scientist, or a negotiator, or whatever - but they still learned the basics just like any other SF trooper. This sort of background would give a reason that the PC knows how to do all of this stuff, while still allowing the player to customize their role. Were you a sniper? A heavy ordinance specialist? An infiltration specialist? Negotiations? Perhaps even a Congressional Liaison, skilled at schmoozing the politicos. There are a ton of possibilities. You could even be just a grunt, or maybe even a slacker who did their best to just survive and get out.

I think this sort of background gives you all the excuses necessary for a basic knowledge of any of the necessary skills and advanced knowledge of a few of them. It just makes sense to me. But maybe I'm wrong.

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