None for me. I want it all. The more trouble it gives my character the better. That's why it's a game.
None for me. I want it all. The more trouble it gives my character the better. That's why it's a game.
Three. Two of which extensively large, the other being a bit smaller.
Dwemer, bloody Falmer, so hard to kill and poison on every hit
My favorite is Nordic ruins, each has unique architecture and they are all awesome
With the RLO md and an ENB, they are all but total darkness. It can get quite scary and I get lost just trying to sneak down a straight hallway.
the mines are usually pretty pointless, so them
dwemer ruins are my favourite, their lore interests me the most out of all the races tbh, which is probs why
What difficulty level are you playing? They get pretty dangerous at Master, don't know about Legendary. I recently visited Liar's Retreat to test out my Chaos Damage sword. The got me a couple times before I started using Paralyze to keep the numbers manageable.
Falmer. I like any dungeon/cave/whathaveyou in Skyrim, but any time falmer appear, I just want to either gtfo, or finish what I wanted to do as fast as I can.
Nordic ruins, I liked them at first as they do have a pretty unique style but they sort of end up like how Ayleid ruins in oblivion were, tedious and repetitive
All dungeons are good. If there's anything Bethesda better than the rest excels at is at making dungeons.
Also, what mister five said.
Probably forts. They all seem to have a similar layout and for some reason I always have the hardest time with them.
Dwemer ruins are my favorite, they feel completely alien to the rest of the game, they have the best atmosphere IMO.
Caves, because they are pretty basic and boring.
Dwemer, I find them incredibly dull. They added too many of the damn things and not enough ancient Falmer ruins.
Also the Damn Betrayed just do not stop swarming me or die. I swear my version of Skyrim is cursed no matter what mods I use or don't use and how powerful my character is they just don't seem to die.
Mines, mainly because they are just too short for my tastes.
Probably caves. I love the architecture and the various traps and devices in both Nordic and Dwemer ruins, and I also enjoy going through ruined forts. I find mines a bit more boring, but it's offset by the usual presence of ore veins.
I enjoy them all, but i tend to not instantly run into mines. they are pretty short and not too exciting
My least favorite are forts. They are repetetive and the amount of loot you get from clearing them out seems to be smaller than clearing out Dwemer ruins or something like that.
I like all of the dungeons in Skyrim. I can always enjoy clearing one out, even if it's the tiny Orotheim, or the sprawling Blackreach. They're all fun to clear out and collect the loot inside. If I had to choose though, I'd choose Nordic Ruins. I have the hardest time fighting draugr, and there is too damn many of the things.
Forts. Bad ambient music, boring atmosphere. Draugr crypts are at least kinda creepy and tend to have word walls. Dwemer ruins are kinda otherworldly. Caves, you never know what you're going to get when you venture into a cave, and mines... well, at least they're usually short, and I actually kinda like mining. Especially when I get gems. Shiny shiny gems.
Non-Dragonborn Dwemer Ruins. Most of them are overly long and tedious.
Well... yeah, to me anyway. Don't recall the name of the track offhand, but it seems like every fort uses the same one. And I don't care for it much.
Ah... it's called, "Towers and Shadows". Helps make every fort feel quite samey-samey. Very monotonous tune.
I voted for Forts.
But if Walmat was an option, then I would have selected that instead.