TES 6: Hammerfell ftw. After seeing all those pics of it and their culture in Tamriel reborn, I'm dying for some Redguard love.
TES 6: Hammerfell ftw. After seeing all those pics of it and their culture in Tamriel reborn, I'm dying for some Redguard love.
My thoughts exactly....Not sure what your point is?
edit: NVM, I see. I thought you were trying to say the nords aren't at all like scandinavians. You meant real life nordic.
I do not have a least favorite, but I can never get into beast races for some reason...
The only province with a race that has a badass and epic history that hasn't been done yet. Though the dangers of Black Marsh do entice me and I would love to see that too.
He asked what countries Norse come from. I told him. Scandinavia is not a country.
I would love to play a beast race, but anything beyond the five characters I already have would be pointless repetition.
Personally, Khajiits and Orcs. They creep me out at times.
Which is rather funny cuz my favorite race are the Argonians. (I find them very interesting and can't wait for a game in Black Marsh! I even have my own idea how it would go too actually...).
Wherever we're going, if it is an elven or beast race location, I want a Nordic invasion. That I can side with if I choose.
I didn't get my Elven invasion in Skyrim. Well... at least not vanilla Skyrim...
Lingrah lahney Ulfric Stormcloak! Lingrah lahney bron!
They'd do nothing but give the snow a red paint job.
Perhaps not a grand scale, but certainly members of their race have been slaves in Morrowind. Check out this book: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Marksmanship_Lesson
Dinok wah bruniik Jun Ulfric Stormloak! Tahrodiis bron ahrk niist joor jul rah Talos fen mah!
Werid Thur Alduin!
They also turn into giant beasts, killing and eating everything in their path eventually turning on themselves, during the Wild Hunt. 0.0
Nords, they're so plain.
and Argonians and Orcs. They're so ugly.
I play as Dark Elves and Khajits.
What, no "I win da internets111!!!" impossible-to-beat counter arguments that "prove" that it makes more sense for a human to transform into a wolf thing than a cat? /joke
Seriously, I'm still not a fan of the idea that Argonians and Khajiit becoming something other than werewolves when infected by werewolves (at least with established TES lore), because that would basically mean coming up with some complicated lore in that every type of werebeast that isn't reptilian or feline respectively must have a reptilian or feline version, on top of werecrocodiles and werelions no less. The other alternative is making Argonians and Khajiit immune to lycanthropy, but then that's getting into race-based exclusion again. Remember the outrage over the beast races' inability to wear shoes, boots and closed helms in Morrowind? Well, the latter would basically be that all over again. However, I wouldn't mind the beast races having unique werewolf (and other werebeast) forms that reflect some of their racial characteristics, such as different tails for instance.
Anyway, I don't really have race that I hate or dislike in TBH, though some of the races and their cultures and lands/politics could do with some more fleshing out. For instance, we still don't know much about this Shadowscale stuff in Argonian culture besides what is literally describable in less than a paragraph (perhaps less than that even), nor do we know much about the history of Elsweyr (to my knowledge) or what's currently going on in High Rock in the Fourth Era. Having an interesting lore base for people to invest in certainly helped the Dunmer out a lot.
Alduin los pruz fein Akatosh, nuz los maht meyus!
Talos los hin vahzah in!
Ulfric los vahzah bron ahrk Hin Jun!
Werid kos wah Ulfric!
Werid kos wah Keizaal!
Tahrodiis rot!! Zu'u fund dasiik kreh dii krahsek wah Valdar!
The people of the Rift and Reach are Bretons. But I understand what you mean. There even are Nords who are wizards, like Farengar and Oonmund from the College. That's what I like about tes any race can be anything. They don't have to follow the traditional path of their race.
Edit: I forgot there are even Nord assassins, like Astrid and her hubby.