I actually like them all, but there are some I have a hard time trying to play as.
I actually like them all, but there are some I have a hard time trying to play as.
Will have to agree. I don't know how anyone could play a Bosmer in Oblivion.
There is just one problem . . .
Hevnoraak was a Nord. The Dragon Priests were mostly Nords. So you are basically insulting yourself.
Although I do not hate any race, I just hate the Thalmor, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
Haha... But they looked all cuddly! and had those famous oblivion babyfaces!
Old glory days? Like the so called "hero" ysgramor?
Nah but i understand what he mean. We all know his feelings against modern nords
I am Atmoran. Not the "Nord" creatures that exist today.
In my time, the fair skinned people had culture, appreciated education, welcomed the schools of the arcane. and worshiped the true chief of Divines.
Now they worship some man who forged some blasphemous Empire. What heresy is this?! Combined with years of in-breeding, and the "societal" shunning of magic, the nords of yore are but a myth were it not for the benevolent cult that persist today.
Wait...a cat turning into a dog is strange, but a human(ape)-to-dog transformation isn't? I'm having trouble understanding your logic.
OT: Nords, Altmer and Dunmer really annoy me. Don't have a problem playing them but their general attitudes annoy me.
It's not surprising that the 3 races tied into the conflict in game are winning the poll. I never liked Imperials, now I like them less since trying to behead me and I never cared for the Nords before Skyrim but they feel right this time.
You say this all the time when the word 'Imperial' come up in conversation, which leads me to believe, that you want to purposefully aggravate Imperial players by calling their favourite race a bunch cowards. That is what's known as flaimbait. It wouldn’t be so bad if you said it here and there, but you don’t. You aren’t clever/funny for adding a 'w' in front of Imperial. It's really childish.
Im swede and I find vikings absoluetely appalling. anything pro nordic in terms of mead, beards or bad rock music makes me cringe. and the nords and their racism in skyrim has its tie with reality; populism and xenophobia on the rise in most european countries make the nord in skyrim seem even more despicable.
Okay, you hate imperials; say that then instead of making snide statements, it doesn’t go down too well, especially when this old imperial is tired and cranky.
Hur ?r det med Imperials och deras rasism d?? Deras vidriga "Vi ?r b?ttre ?n er och utan oss faller l?nderna i en lagl?s barbarisk v?rld,speciellt skyrim"
Och det finns rasister av alla folkgrupper.
Seriously, though I'd say the beast races. Never played one. Never will. Same can be said for a bosmer.
It's a joke. People call Nords "illiterate brutes" and so on, and I don't call it flamebait. People just need to calm down and take a breath.
Yes I did And like I said in my edit, you aren't flamebaiting. It's just a friendly jab.
I like Nords a lot due to their physical traits and their values. I like Dunmer mostly because they have a very interesting lore history, and Morrowind was my first TES game so I'll always think of it like home. I like Imperials, because they are very civilized and understand the importance of unity and trade. I like Altmer, because they are very tall and are superior magic users. Orcs I don't play often but I do like their lore, and I think they look bad ass. I don't play Redguards often either, but I respect them a lot for their skill in combat and I have always wanted to see Hammerfell. Bretons are pretty generic humans, and while I do play as them often mostly for their magic resistance, I find them rather boring.
That leaves the beast races and Bosmer. I have never wanted to play as a Bosmer because I hate being short, while I respect nature, these guys are nature freaks, and they just look creepy. Argonians at least look intimidating to me, and they come from a very harsh region, so out of these three, I would probably play an Argonian first. Lastly, we have the Khajit.. I cant imagine ever wanting to play as a humanoid cat. Whether you're a furry or a drug addict thats cool, but I have not and probably never will play one. They get my vote.