Khajiit actually make the best Warriors, Thieves, Assassins, Nightblades, and Mages depending on what subspecies you choose.
Oh I do agree, they are much better, but from so low a starting point, it's still not there. It's their faces, they're so alien. It doesn't look right against their bodies.
I give Bethesda credit for carving out a unique design for their 'Elves', but sometimes I wish they were a little bit more 'Tolkien.' Dunmer are still the best, though.
I rather the elves look alien and weird, than another copy and paste Tolkien rip off human-with-pointy ears.
I don't advocate 'copy and paste', though I do love Orlando Bloom, just a little nudge in that direction. The Elves are well designed in Skyrim, but I think it was taken to a little bit of an extreme.
On the Bosmer, though, I think they either need to be a touch more human, or as dramatic looking as the other Mer. They're at an uncomfortable inbetween as they are.
I think they look fine. They look exactly how I imagined them.
Altmer, easily. I don't hate them or anything, but I find no reason to play one at all. I've never rolled a "pure mage", dislike the play style, and the other races are better at everything else. Of course they fall right into ye olde snobby elf trope, too. Not a fan. Though some of the NPCs are better.
Jag skulle vilja ge ett riktigt! Halla till bade tjerer och karringar. (Place marks where appropriate.)
I'm fine with playing as all races, although if I had to pick, I would say any human race honestly. Beast races really intrigued me when I first played Skyrim, it was nice to not play as a human in a game for once. Which is why I hope TES:6 is in Akavir!
well italy certainly have their share of bigotism, and the romans was not very nice to anyone as far as I know. still it was not meant to be taken that literally and most of my characters are nord just because they look good, same with altmers.
Hive-minded lizards with an unpronouncable language (that uses smell the way we use body language), uplifted from actual lizards and turned humanoid by Lovecraftian sentient trees from before time are... uninteresting?
Yeah, ok then.
Just can't do Khajiit....not even sure why....they bother me somehow. Won't do Orcs either, all I would be able to think of is Shrek. Would ruin the immersion for me.
i chose argonians (my least favorite) because they're lizards eeww.
I honestly don't have one... There are a few races I don't care but I don't particularly have a least favorite among them.
"You'll make a fine rug kah-jeet!"
"You'll make a fine pair of boots lizard!"
Beast races really get an unfair shake
I cant really say i have a least favorite since i cant tell imperials, bretons, and nords apart. Bretons are french or something?
You know a race is lame when they have to
I never play as Orcs. In any of the games. Not even as a joke character.
As for my fav playable race in any of the TES games including fan made races...
My Avatar. Enough Said.
Can't see why.
I mean I rarely play as imperials. Though I don't hate them, it's just that they're...
How do I put this...
That Skooma'd-out Cat is like the Elder Scrolls version of this guy: