Beast Races though, the lycanthropy spins my head. Let's be honest here...Everyone's got a race they like the least.
Almost sounds like one too. Sorta.
I voted Altmer, but not just because of Skyrim. I found them to be annoying snobs in Oblivion, which was my first TES and so my first experience with them.
Voted Bosmer. Ive never really liked the "tree-hugger" class or race in any game, but also the Bosmer just seem so... weak. Physically, mentally, culturally.... they just come off as that race that everyone else pushes around because its so easy to. Doesnt help that not a single one them in any of the games looks impressive or attractice (skyrim in particular).
I also dont agree with all the Altmer and Imperial hate. The (re)introduction of the Thalmor seems to have unjustly given all Altmer a bad rep. Which is sad, considering the last "legit" ruler of the Empire was an Altmer (before being assassinated and the throne seized by force by an imperial). Imperials also seem to be automatically placed in the "boring, normal human" spot, which is unfair because their lore is no less interesting than any of the others. If anything its one of the most developed of the racial lore.
Thats a fairly odd claim. The Imperials Voice of the Emperor is great for neutralizing tough enemies (and i not limited by a level cap unlike common illusion spells). The Breton's and Altmer's powers (dragonskin and highborn) become fairly useless in md-late game. The orc's berserk, while very useful throughout the game, is only of use to melee users.
Bosmer live in a giant forest filled with carnivorous flying insects the size of grissly bears.
They can also turn into frenzied monsters more fierce than the pathetic were-creatures of Hircine in an act of societal desparation and preservation.
The bosmer native to Valenwood are strictly carnivorous, and eat anyone they kill, including their own people and other mortal races in the name of their "tree-hugging" God.
And yet, the bosmer have always been weak politically, have often been enslaved, and are usually under the boot of another government. Their "green pact" has prevented them from even making bows (their specialty) with the trees in their own homeland. That transformation you speak is irreversible, making it more like a suicide attack (cowardly) than anything else. The wild life of Argonia is significantly more strange, yet another area the bosmer fall short (zing!).
This is because it's far easier for Hollywood to relate Viking culture to longboats, ale, axes and pillaging. They make for great antagonists given this backdrop... even though it's exaggerated and mostly based on presumptions and stereotypes.
It's unfortunate that Scandinavian culture is represented in this way, but don't feel bad. My ancestors (Native American) doesn't fair much better on the big screen either.
I'm just so damn tired and fed up with Bethesda shoving the Empire down my throat in every game. I don't like the Empire and I don't want to aid the Empire. It was a blessed relief to be allowed for once to actually fight against the Empire in Skyrim.
The Empire never really bothered me in Morrowind. In Oblivion I found them boring and in Skyrim I want them gone.
Bosmer have never been enslaved. They have always enjoyed a mutual relationship with the Summerset Isles and being a part of the Aldmeri Dominion. They've never been oppressed until now with the Thalmor purges in the 4th era. And even then, the Bosmer people as a whole are not oppressed in 4E Thalmor ruled Aldmeri Dominion.
Forging Elven and Glass bows are better than wood anyway.
I still have yet to play all races, but the last one I ever will is probably the Khajiit. I don't know. I thought these cat people seemed interesting at first, but when I think of it now, I don't care for them too much. The idea of a Khajiit becoming this big hero, and not just any hero, but this Dragonborn who will save the land just doesn't seem right to me.
Bretons. In a world full of pompous world-unmaking Altmer, sword-singing Redguards, tree-people Argonians, multiple Tamriel-spanning empire Imperials, pariah folk Daedra vomit Orcs etc. etc. I find the Bretons and their Medieval Europe themed background to be rather dull in comparison. I'm not adverse to playing as them though, I just prefer the others.
Why's that? I've always found the idea of a unified Tamriel a necessity, and the Empire offers that. Problems only arise when the natives of certain provinces are unable to swallow their own pride and make compromises for the greater good.
Bretons. Their race ability is great, and they seem to be the brains over muscle kind of people.
However, I can't get over how impossible it is to make a decent looking one. Male, I mean. The women in this franchise can look good no matter what race they are.
The Orcs did look like Shrek in Oblivion. But in Skyrim they're just badass.
Man I would hate that. TES 6 Alinor dammit!
TES 6 is the reason why Summerset was renamed Alinor IMO. Because TES 6: Alinor sounds better than TES 6: Summerset Isle which sounds like a Hello Kitty game.
Only Alinor.
Agreed. I want to see what the Thalmor are hiding under their palace in Alinor...
So what modern nation does Norse culture come from?