» Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:37 am
Oh, that's a really clever approach to consider (modifying the script already attached to all the vendor containers). It does appear to be too mod-conflicty for what I'm shooting for, but I wouldn't have even found that script if you hadn't pointed it out. It's also kind've a fascinating script in its own right.
I have a few ideas on my plate to try, and I'll drop back by here with whatever I settle on as my final solution. I THINK I'm going to use a quest script with a really long interval (a real-time minute, probably), but I need a plan to deal with ''natural'' vendor resets that I expect to strip the items I'm adding from their inventory, and a plan so that, if the player doesn't buy the item, all merchants don't eventually wind up with one stocked (essentially also emulating a vendor's ''natural'' reset), so we'll see if it pans out.