Side Quest- Reply to thread with your chosen race.
Optional- Why is it your least liked human race?
Bretons are my least liked race because they dont interest me at all.
Nords. All brawn and no brain. They need to learn a little humility.
BTW, there's no poll.
Nords, then Bretons. Neither interest me much, Bretons more than Nords though.
I voted Breton.
I understand that they're the "half-elves" (not really, but you know...), but with Imperials and Nords in there, I really have never seen a reason for their continued existence.
If they had features in between a Human and a Mer (like a half-elf), then they might be just different enough to warrant a short play-through for me. As it is, they look exactly like an Imperial, just with magick resistance.
nothing about them rings the "special" bell to me, but that's just my opinion.
Nords because they are so dull and one-sided.
Though I might change that to Bretons later on, since Nords at least have interesting lore. Ancient Nords were kickass.
They're also apparently the most intelligent humans according to an altmer.
If we're going by in-game representation of the race. Imperials. They have literally nothing to them.
Otherwise I'm not sure. There isn't much on the Bretons right now. Besides their love of killing orcs.
Nords. I've never liked them due to their lack of character and culture, and Skyrim did nothing to remedy this.
Then again, it IS a Altmer. Who says it's not propaganda to actually lower the expectations of the people just so they'll rejoice in opulence when they attack Skyrim by surprise when Solitude/Windhelm gets besieged in the CW and succeed?
Also, that's just one man.
It's one man trying to dispel a lot of the propaganda the empire's thrown up about itself. There's no good reason to lie about the greybeards whatsoever.
It was also written in the third era, not the fourth where skyrim takes place.
This is really hard question. Nords are the most interesting race in TES and so they are out of the opinions but for rest it's not easy to vote any.
With Morrowind and Oblivion I would say Red Guards because they were uninteresting, had terrible voice acting in Oblivion and were just ugly. In Skyrim they are interesting race which has shown to be quite unique ones and have nice look - especially some hairstyles are awesome. Also I have been taking a deep look in them and their lore because of my role in our modding team.
Imperials are semi interesting race in all games where they are in and playing as one gives some nice roleplaying ideas. Anyway because of the current political situation I have started to dislike many of them.
Bretons are basically interesting race but I have played only a few of them in all the TES games I have played. I haven't had much roleplaying ideas for them - basically they are just another imperial race for my playthroughs except one mage who was much better planned character than the others.
I have vote none of them yet and I don't know if I can figure this out but in any way human races are all interesting ones in TES.
Because all Altmer are totally racists and liars...
And nords are just too damn prideful to take the decision that most people with the least bit of common sense would take.
Case in point: Markath. Common sense dictates just leaving it to the Forsworn (it IS their land, after all). What Nord pride dictated? Call in Ulfric. No need to tell you how this ended out.
What makes it their land? A lot of the native reachmen do NOT agree with the forsworn's ways.
Bretons. Might as well be elves, the lot of 'em.
Imperials. The last cool Imperial died in the Oblivion Crisis.
No that'd be the Falmer. Or possibly the Dwemer.
Or given that the nords owned the reach in 1e240(They lost it again around 1e420) and the forsworn movement didn't start until around 1e1030(As a response to imperial incursion)...
This is so silly. How many countries would just leave land they want because of natives? The land belongs to whoever takes it.
Then again, either you work along with the natives or you expect warfare.
And warfare is exactly how the Nords recaptured said land. Nothing wrong with that.
I don't like Bretons.
They've always had the most annoying voices.
I'm honestly surprised Nord has gotten as many votes as it has. Perhaps the "I always wanted to be a viking" crew is sleeping in?
Or you just kick them out. Nords tend to do that.