Legendary Edition not finding saved games?

Post » Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:45 am

Hi guys,

So I bought the legendary edition of skyrim the other day for my PS3 thinking it would be the simplest way of getting the 3 expansions/dlc's but after putting in the disc and installing the 3 dlc's I can't see my previous saved games (~150 hours so preferable to not start over).

I've been reading through the different topics of other people having this issue and the region is the same for both game discs (normal and LE) and i've tried uninstalling the game and re-installing it from the LE disc and it still can't see my saves but when I put the normal disc in I can see the saves (but obviously not the DLC installed).

Has anyone else got any suggestions/help they might be able to offer please???



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Chris Duncan
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