I haven't read everything in the topic so some things might be repeated... in fact... they probably all will be...
As said on first page. Level scaling LEGENDARY items was just.... bad.... in Oblivion.
Also one of the first posts stipulated in Morrowind you could just stumble upon legendary artifacts. This is TRUE, however most if not all (I haven't done everything in the game... even after ..... many many years) are found in quests (or at least the quest brings you to the location where it is hidden, if you find it or not depends on you). Its just they are there whether you take the said quest or not. And seeing as there is a ridiculously huge amount of quests in Morrowind, your bound to find a bunch without doing the quests.The difference lies where in Oblivion often the only way to get them was to take the quests as they were GIVEN to the player and not FOUND.
I personnaly think the way Morrowind did it on this particular question, was perfect. Its ok to have some given only in quests, but Morrowind did that too*, so again on this question, MW = perfect.
*Goldbrand in Morrowind for example.
Yes, you are right. But I remember, to be honest, most (or like 50%) of the artifacts to be found unrelated to quest stories themselves. By this, I mean that if you were told in a quest to go into a specific dungeon, you also could find a legendary artifact that weren't mentioned at all in the quest. And then, some artifacts were only heard by rumours... and then some were completely unheard of until you found them.
Morrowind had a good balance of items achieved in quests, heard by rumours and completely unknown.
Oblivion's way of giving artifacts was just... how do I express it!?!? :chaos:
No, I disagree. Artifacts come from the daedra princes they represent.
I do not think daedric artifacts should be stumbled upon in dungeons. Maybe some daedric weapons, but not artifacts. Those disappear after a while any ways. Which would explain why you could get Azura's ring in TES II, III and IV.
Actually, most artifacts in Morrowind were not of daedric origin. Most were from ancient powerful leaders, wizards, warriors, knights, etc...
I don't mind a few really powerful daedric artifacts to be forgotten somewhere or wielded by someone powerful. It implies that other people have done deeds for the Daedra themselves and been rewarded, or that the Daedra have left something behind...
When I have a daedric artifact, I want to keep it forever!! Sounds kinda selfish
but it's my opinion ^^