Usually I end up making the difficulty go higher and higher the more I play because the game gets too easy for me. I just got the dlc and unlocked legendary dificulty and want to give that a go, but I'm hoping for a real and serious challenge so I'm going to play in legendary from the very beginning. Need some opinions on some things first
NOTE for this playthrough I'm not Role playing at all. I am picking everything purely from a tactical perspective.
Race : I am either going to pick a Breton or an Orc. Orcs have the epic nerd rage ability which doubles melee damage and reduces melee damage. Only downside is it provides no protection from mages and they can become a pain in butt. Bretons have the nice constant 25% magicka resistance and their ability lets them absorb magicka. I've never used Breton (in skyrim at least) so does his mean that it has a chance to completely take no damage? Which would you suggest?
I am not 100% sure on my exact play style but this is what I think I will do. I will always have a follower and possibly a band of followers (quest followers will follow you until their quest in completed) I also plan on using the ritual stone to have a small army. This ensures I wont be the center of attention. I kind of like the idea of a "necromancer" character with a lot of allies and using supporting spells like frenzy, paralysis, and other but at the same time capable of melee fighting tough opponents too. I dont want to just stand back the whole time, that would get boring fast. I will have a bow for stealth attacks. I can't make up my mind of armor preference. I am leaning more toward light armor if sneak is needed. Yeah you can make heavy weigh nothing but thats not until later in the game and i might need to sneak earlier on. However, I don't plan on using daggers for sneak so maybe I can still use heavy armor and sneak because im attacking long range? Thoughts on this?
Apparently people say destruction is horrible on legendary. I might just pick up impact perk for help with hard enemies, dragons, bosses, mudcrabs lol
I know I will use restoration for obvious reasons and maybe some alteration-flesh spells for added armor. Illusion will be nice to level up for frenzy spells. I just dont want to pump lots of points into magicka and have low health but then again I will have a party of fighers so i may not be getting hurt too much...
I plan on using alchemy which i dont normally do to make paralysis poisons and such. I think im going to switch between Spell + Spell, Shield + Sword, Bow, and maybe Shield + Spell. Don't think two handed will do me much good.
I will also do some smithing and enchanting but I dont plan on using exploits in this run through like the greybeard leveling trick. I also dont plan on grind-leveling any of my skills including enchanting, smithing, alchemy etc. I want to be versatile enough to handle any situation but dont want to spread myself thin
So yeah thats what I got so far, tell me your thoughts especially about race, armor, and anything useful you can think of. I'm very excited to play this as I can tell it will be quite the challenge! I don't have too much time to play but If you would like I can post updates to show everyone how its going
EDIT : I don't think I will become a vampire but im not sure. I've never played as one but the idea of having to feed seems very annoying. PLus im not sure if my followers and quest followers would end up attacking me or not lol