I'm not playing. I'm right in the middle of my finals.
I haven't stopped playing either; I just play less often because I've just begun re-playing both Morrowind and Oblivion, in parallel with Skyrim and accordingly to my mood.
I havent been playing skyrim for a while,Tried to play a bit yesterday,But just cant get into the console game anymore,I have the pc version too,But i dont have a good pc at the moment,If i had i would play the crap out of skyrim! ^^ would download immersive mods,awesome armor mods and glorious enb mods!
Took me 1500+ hours to get bored of the console version.
Now i am playin both daggerfall and morrowind. (mostly morrowind,I am waiting for daggerxl) Which looks awesome.
I stopped playing in 2012; I traded for New Vegas, but i'll be getting legendary edition wednesday.
Legendary is, I suppose, a way to allow players (especially grinders) to play indefinitely. With it in effect. Skyrim could be a going concern well into the PS4/Xbox One era.
I stopped playin because I started playin BL2, FO3...
They know what they did wrong better than you do.
I had like a year long break, then started playing again when news came that dlc was finally going to be coming out on PS3. Stopped playing again though due to mood and some RL stuff leaving me in the mood to violently ruin other players days, so been playing BF3 a lot with a few friends. I tried last week and again the other day to get back into Skyrim but I'm just not in the mood for it now sadly.
When I am back in the mood I'll have to start yet another new character, cause I won't be able to just pick up where I left off as I won't have the RP and feeling of the char. So blah! BLAH I SAY! On the flipside, I'll get to start yet another new character!
They wouldn't know it without community feedback.
I've completely stopped playing it after reaching saturation point with the game. Once Bethesda prematurely pulled the plug on the game and there was nothing new on the horizon I Iost interest as I have done everything the game has to offer more than once on 4 complete play throughs.
I don't think the community is rejuvenated really, in fact these forums seem really dead compared to a couple of months ago, which is a pity.
DLC Leak and speculation threads were crowded
I also remember when bethesda announced no more dlc,The forums were reeaaally crowded back then,
Compared to the Morrowind Forum, This one is alive.
Of course, the Morrowind one is too, it's just veeeerry slow.
I haven't noticed any difference in my life. Everybody I know already has the game. So the release of the Legendary Edition has not affected myself or any gamer I know in any way.
Same here- haven't played since February, when the classes really started kicking into high gear. I've been stalking Steam while studying for the past 2 weeks hoping against hope that Dragonborn would go on sale before the end of finals, which is this coming week. I want to play a new character with every dlc installed, but gah, 20 dollars!