Basically the title. Mutation is something organisms do, not machines...WHY exactly is a robot mutating...? I cannot wrap my head around this...
Basically the title. Mutation is something organisms do, not machines...WHY exactly is a robot mutating...? I cannot wrap my head around this...
it's fun, don't be scared, just fight
Yeah when i first saw it i went, what the hell, organics i can imagine, even though this is still a cheap mechanic, better that it says something like has taken a stimpak, or robots, auto repair in progress, but mutate, what does a robot mutate into, is it like power rangers, mutates into a giant city stomping robot, mutates into a better idea.
Well, the entire "Legendary"-system is 100% game-y, as far as I'm concerned. I think the term is more relating to classic RPG lingo, rather than actual notorious personalities/monsters everyone in the wasteland has heard of.
That's like saying "How can they be level 60, humans don't level up" - it's just a mechanism outside the lore which you'll have to swallow as is.
Best ask Tinker Tom about it. I'm sure he has a reasonable theory. Nano bots for instance.
Well that's video game logic for you
Maybe there will be a mod for that. They could change it to. Legendary (robtot enemy) is: Overclocking, Updating Windows , Installing Drivers, Tuning up, Upgrading, Trying to connect to Wi-FI or something like that . . .
Not really a fan of the Legendary mutating enemies but the robots really do seem to defy logic. But yeah, it's a video game argument - I guess I prefer things to seem a little believable.
Despite lot of qualities Fallout 4 have, you can't but notice that many aspects of the game has being trivialized. Dialogue menu is the most prominent example. "Legendary" enemies and items are another one. They make little sense, there's even nothing legendary about them but I ques they're part of Bethesda drive to appeal to wider pool of casual players.
It doers hurt quality of the game.
aahh a legendary sentry bot that mutates gave me some spectacular deadscenes and even more satisfaction when i finnaly found a way to kill it
I don't know but I'm sure it's the same logic behind brass knuckles doing more damage when you going through a withdrawal
Junkies in severe withdrawal have an adrenaline boost equal to the kick they get from a fix, where they're in so much pain they don't feel new pain, so that part's believable. However, they're also mere moments away from a crippling aneurism or debilitating stroke, so technically as long as you can outrun them, you should only have to dodge a few times before they croak.
As for Legendary-class enemies, maybe if it was a boss or Gunner General or Super Mutant Master, yeah, but a Legendary Bloatfly? And he's carrying a quad-barrel targeting missile launcher?
Ever play Doom? Their enemies are both organic and robotic. Same could apply here if they mutate, but I understand the misconception.
Many of Fallout 4's features were just lifted from other games and jammed into Fallout 4. And yeah, they were features taken from popular genres or games so Fallout 4 would cast a large net and appeal to as many people as possible.
A lot of them don't really fit in well, but that was secondary to the games market appeal.
Its not a direction I'm happy with, but its obvious why it was done, and in some way I can understand it. From a business perspective, it has immediate returns and it makes perfect sense. From a players perspective though, the features they took are done better in the games they took them from, and it just feels cheap to see them in Fallout.
All of this...
Though they could also.... TRANSFORM!!!
Probably the same reason settlers thank you for killing raiders.....when you actually killed rad scorpions.
For robots just substitute mutate with transform in your mind. Feel better now?
It could have been worse. I'm surprised Fallout 4 doesn't have 100's of collectibles, like Ubisoft games. Like, really surprised. I wonder if thats going to be a DLC feature.
No.Now I want it to become Optimus Prime or a megazord.
I think instead of mutate it should have been something more like enemy "frenzied" "went Berserk" "used psycobuff".
My first ever play through, I ran across a legendary bot that killed me multiple times before I figured out how to kill it and when I did, I was to close to the stupid thing and it ended up exploding and killing me again.