Does anyone else hope to see special weapons in skyrim? I know Oblivion had Umbra but that was about it. there isnt anything as satisfying as getting lucky and discovering an awesome weapon that gives you an edge over your enemies. or simply finding an above average sword as a prize for braving a challenging dungeon or cave. Same idea goes for armor. finding a unique helm or shield would be great also.
If you *played* the game, adventured your way through it rather than bash your way through the main storyline as fast as possible, chances are you might actually find something. Yeah, the fact that you only managed to stumble onto Umbra tells me that. Did you find it by accident, or did you do the quest for it? Yes, this game has quests beside the main quest. Amazing for a role playing game, don't you think?

Sorry for patronizing (?), but having only found one item - I'd say you're asking for it