I am traversing the land with my partner Boone and recently we were jumped by a bunch of Legionaire Assassins. They are in a group of four, one charges us with a Super Sledge, one throws dynamite, and the other two have Ranged Weapons. There armor ranges from Medium to Heavy and damn these guys are vicious. I am scared to travel around now due to the fact I cannot take these groups down, even with Boone. My artillery isn't the greatest but I am working in speech/barter/medicine but I need some new way of taking these groups out if they spot us. I was thinking of some way penetrating there defenses with AP rounds. I am not trained in Energy Weapons,
Any suggestions to deal with this?
The Legion Assassins are vicious, but the good news is that they have their boundaries. I have observed a group spawn at the bottom of the road to Mojave Outpost, and no farther up. So long as you get really comfy with the NCR, you will be able to generally survive.
What I will recommend however is progressing through the storyline. Do some work in New Vegas, Freeside, and Nellis Air Force Base. You should also hit up Jacobstown and Red Rock Canyon. And Vault 19. And Black mountain. And Quarry Junction. I think these areas are far too inland for them to operate.
I would not recommend wearing Legion armor, as you have Boone on your side. And you want him on your side...right?