Well since were changing in game strategy here let me just throw mine out there too. Kimball actually takes the Mojave campaign a little more seriously than he is and sends in troops that have had more than two weeks training.
Changing the stra. won't change the fact the NCR doesn't have enough trained troops. Simply making reinforcements for the region take longer won't change the tactical reality on the ground.
A. Novac is neutral thus it is not important in destroying the trade route. There is only one small squad near searchlight that is not important to the legion. Also if they sent forces thought Cottonwood Cove the rangers from Ranger Station echo would be all over it, even with Hanlon trechery they would be able to get their point across
Novac's neutrality isn't what's important. What's important is stopping all NCR supply lines along I-95. With Novac you can do that. Also soldifying Nelson helps lower Forlorn hope's moralle further. The one small squad is important to take out for securing I-95 permantly. Further you wouldn't need to bring more troops until AFTER Novac is taken. If the Legion can destroy the Ranger Station Novac will be a piece of cake. Also remember Novac thinks, even after the Ranger Station is destroyed, that if the Legion invades it will be from Nipton. They won't be prepared for a southern attack. Lastly if Hanlon is already lying about Cottonwood and other things why would anything change? His goals haven't. And once Novac is taken all the bases in the area will be FURTHER under supplied and that same Ranger Station Echo will find itself surrounded for attack.
B. There is a quest for the Legion where you wipe out Forlorn Hope because it is so weak, just how the NCR can retake Nelson.
Easily. One Ranger could snipe Nelson into stravation. It's not as if they can retreat, or go forward. Nor will they get any reinforcements because the Rangers have the river on lock down. And even if the NCR doesn't pose a threat to Nelson that doesn't mean they can take Forlorn without the magical courier. How would they? They can't go by I-95 because they don't hold Novac. They can't go through the valley because they'd be sniped to death. The ONLY way to get Forlorn hope is to take Novac. Once the ranger stations are gone, they can easily role into Forlorn. Even IF they don't take out the Ranger stations Echo won't be able to stop them bringing more troops.
C. Powder Gangers are not to be trusted and are loyal to themselves. I've never heard Caesar hates them, but it seems likely as they are low life criminals
It doesn't matter if they're loyal to the Legion, they can be destroyed later. What matters it that they hate the NCR. They stopped all supply lines from Primm to Sloan, and halted railroad construction. Quite the the move for some low life criminals. As long as the Powder Gangers are there they mean that the NCR is screwed. The NCR then can't focus on the bigger problem of the Deathclaws and they have NO supply route into the Mojave. How would they move troops, gear and food? I-15 is backed up my criminals with explosives, giant [censored] ants, deathclaws,and Fiends. Highway 93 would be under Legion control and they'd be unable to resupply there forts. Hell helping the Powder Gangers would mean making sure the NCR loses the war before the first battle.
D. The NCR would destroy them if onlt recruits fought. The NCR can still supply through NV to boulder city to the dam. The NCR obviously has intentions on keeping the dam so they aten't going to be an easy opponent that is why they have most of their troops there.
D. It doesn't matter what the NCR intends if they can't back it up. See point C. How would they supply to NV? Before or after the Fiends slaughter them at Mccaran? Before or after they open up I-15? If the Legion uses it's top troops for the Dam they'll have no one to command them when they counter strike from Novac though Boulder City. Given the command structure of the Legion army if they through there best at the Dam it'll be harder. Though they'd still win either way. The NCR at the Dam would have no reinforcements. Golf, full of recruits, would be slaughtered. Mccaran would almost fall under the Fiends. The Powder Gangers would still stop supply lines. And the Omertas would have had pulled off their coup. The Legion would win, but it would be an easier win, and one that would leave the upper ranks of the Legion's command structure intact. There bet would be guarnet