Legit players win.Hackers are virtually dead now!

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:34 pm

Goodbye hackers.All of you are now virtually dead with the vote-kick system.R.I.P crytex programmer,BOOMIJUSTSHOTYOU and many others.My deepest condolences is with all the hackers.

Nah just joking.I will enjoy when all the hackers will be **** and kicked from servers.Yeah baby yeah!svck your cocks all you hackers now.

Thank you so much Crytex!
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:38 am

Now i hope i won't get kicked because i feed a little or got badass a little.
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Miss K
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:06 am

Goodbye hackers.All of you are now virtually dead with the vote-kick system.R.I.P crytex programmer,BOOMIJUSTSHOTYOU and many others.My deepest condolences is with all the hackers.

Nah just joking.I will enjoy when all the hackers will be **** and kicked from servers.Yeah baby yeah!svck your cocks all you hackers now.

Thank you so much Crytex!
It'll be the legit good players that'll suffer the most, trust me. Now anyone barely above average that joins a server will kicked in no time because all the whinny 12 year olds on the opposite team don't know how to play and don't want to play against someone that does, that kicks their ass beyond reason.

I know I will... sigh. Already been banned from some servers and threatned with reports to crytek (lol), now that people can actually kick him I'm gonna have a hard time. Whatever, this game already had it's worth with the few dozen hours I put into it. I'm regreting buying this so badly, bought a completely bombed out console port that didn't give me more than 70 hours of fun. Back to TF2, bought that one at half-price than C2 and already have thousands of hours into it.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:36 pm

Goodbye hackers.All of you are now virtually dead with the vote-kick system.R.I.P crytex programmer,BOOMIJUSTSHOTYOU and many others.My deepest condolences is with all the hackers.

Nah just joking.I will enjoy when all the hackers will be **** and kicked from servers.Yeah baby yeah!svck your cocks all you hackers now.

Thank you so much Crytex!
It'll be the legit good players that'll suffer the most, trust me. Now anyone barely above average that joins a server will kicked in no time because all the whinny 12 year olds on the opposite team don't know how to play and don't want to play against someone that does, that kicks their ass beyond reason.

I know I will... sigh. Already been banned from some servers and threatned with reports to crytek (lol), now that people can actually kick him I'm gonna have a hard time. Whatever, this game already had it's worth with the few dozen hours I put into it. I'm regreting buying this so badly, bought a completely bombed out console port that didn't give me more than 70 hours of fun. Back to TF2, bought that one at half-price than C2 and already have thousands of hours into it.

lol you posted before me, and yeah, we ACTUAL pro players are the one who suffers because all immature/easily raged players are so paranoid about hackers that they will just kick/ban every player that have k/d above 2. this is a sad move for crytek, if not one group of players it will be the other who suffers, they didnt listen to the real problems about improving anti cheat instead just listen to the whinny bunch of morons. i see one hacker the other day using infinite stealth hack, no one say a word lol, just because his k/d seem "reasonable". im sorry, but the vote kick system is not going to work well with hackers, if you play on pro you wont notice a thing since theres no kill cam until you pay close attention.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:07 am

Then pro players should only play with pro players.Why do u morons who are pro, join server with noobs then kill them like pigs.You cannot bully anyone just becoz you gained weight by playing this game longer than a newcomer.So just svck It UP you so called pros and play with your match.I am also a pro and i only play in servers where average rank is 35.Mostly with my pro friends.

Love you crytex.
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:38 pm

I bet the **** noobs vote kick me, what a **** system, it was **** in L4D2 and it's gonna be **** here. There are other ways to stop fricking hackers.
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:08 am

Then pro players should only play with pro players.Why do u morons who are pro, join server with noobs then kill them like pigs.You cannot bully anyone just becoz you gained weight by playing this game longer than a newcomer.So just svck It UP you so called pros and play with your match.I am also a pro and i only play in servers where average rank is 35.Mostly with my pro friends.

Love you crytex.
If we could, we would, but there's no 'pros only servers' and in the rare games that do have them, they get overrun with noobs anyway, who go there thinking they've got game and end up crying that "IT'S A HACKER ONLY SERVER OMFG".

And grow up you imature tard.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:35 am

first of all I think you need more than 1 vote to kick a player. There arent 12 yr old players playing anymore. And my guess is vote kick would be optional for server admins to include.
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Kevin S
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:58 am

Then pro players should only play with pro players.Why do u morons who are pro, join server with noobs then kill them like pigs.You cannot bully anyone just becoz you gained weight by playing this game longer than a newcomer.So just svck It UP you so called pros and play with your match.I am also a pro and i only play in servers where average rank is 35.Mostly with my pro friends.

Love you crytex.

"MOSTLY with my pro friend", youre joining a game with full of friends, there are people who doesnt have pro friends to play with, and there are people who prefer solo themselves. lmao, try to think more logic here, do you think theres a server that say "hey all pro, come here and play"? no all server are filled with random peoples, pro and new comers at the same times.kill like pigs? no, we just play the way we like to play. also people do have a jobs, even if you have pro friends, most of the time they will be working different hours. next time try to think of common sense before stating such stupidity.
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daniel royle
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:17 pm

If you play in a pub and you are a "Pro" then something is wrong end of story. Its boring beating the crap out of people who aren't as good as you. Give yourself a challenge and go find a scrim. From my competitive gaming experience I hated pubs for the simple fact there is no team work. So I would find a scrim. If you are "Pro" and you are gonna whine about pubs then don't play in the damn pub. Its as easy as that.

We normal players could give a damn about you crying because you got kicked but guess what we won't.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:28 am

Face it guys. C2 is dead. Crytek tried to shove a **** console port on us. Come over to Wars and play MP. Were having a blast!
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:13 am

would end in kick abuse to good players...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:08 am

its kinda good so that you CAN boot guenuine cheaters (bloody cloak hackers) but also agree its potentially bad. I got accused of cheating the other day for consistently killing someone- my k/d ratio still wasnt great, and im a damn pad user! But this does risk idiots like this booting even me, an average player at best who just gets lucky on a few kills.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:34 am

This is ashame its true that only us good players will suffer cause of this whinny little kids will start kicking us skilled players just cause they svck its a sad day for us players that worked hard to get to where we are and how good we are.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:08 pm

if you have a decent server admin then he would not kick you for beeing a good player.

if we ever get admin tools i all invite the good players to join my server

killcam shows always what happend and a hacker will always be caught trough killcam.

we dont kick players for beeing good we only kick for beeing bad and bad are cheaters!
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clelia vega
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:50 am

Well, I'm glad C2 is now the target. C1 and Crysis Wars are hacker free, due to good community programmers and SDK.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:37 am

If you play in a pub and you are a "Pro" then something is wrong end of story. Its boring beating the crap out of people who aren't as good as you. Give yourself a challenge and go find a scrim. From my competitive gaming experience I hated pubs for the simple fact there is no team work. So I would find a scrim. If you are "Pro" and you are gonna whine about pubs then don't play in the damn pub. Its as easy as that.

We normal players could give a damn about you crying because you got kicked but guess what we won't.
Because pub play and scrims are the complete same experience and can be casually picked up alike, right?
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:30 am

Dudes, for a good kick system implemented, voting in both teams is needed, if your team supports you, you must not get kicked; but if you really have to be kicked for cheating, then everyone must agree, both in the cheater's team and opponent team. I don't see the danger there, first you ask for kick system and then you're afraid of it. Is like in World in Conflict, if there's no reason why you should be kicked out of the server, your team supports you and you don't get kicked.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:46 am

Then pro players should only play with pro players.Why do u morons who are pro, join server with noobs then kill them like pigs.You cannot bully anyone just becoz you gained weight by playing this game longer than a newcomer.So just svck It UP you so called pros and play with your match.I am also a pro and i only play in servers where average rank is 35.Mostly with my pro friends.

Love you crytex.

I currently added a bunch of great players and continue to try but when nobody is only, you cannot really do so. AND where is the so called server that only 'pro' players play or search option to join 'pros only' matches? Just like in any competition there will be those who are good and those who are bad and you can't stop the fact the good will be playing the bad. So those who get a good K/D some matches will suffer. You can't really prevent that.

So if you can make a server and announce that its for 'pros' or high k/d players then I'll be happy to only join that server. I'm no pro but I do like playing against the best. Gets me better. If not, well I'll continue to have fun playing whoever I join and not be like "Oh, ****! Bunch of noobs in this server. Better go search a few more until I find some beasts." And what happens when everyone is Rank 30+ and many will be 50?

Anywho its a good thing to have vote to kick but it's true you will not be able to stop good players being forced out of games.
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:05 pm

The only thing I am worried about are those players who dont know what is a hack vs an Elite player with maximized modules. Hope they look at the play back with certainty. I have been accused of cloak hacking when I decloaked > Armor Mode - kill - > cloak in less than 2 seconds.

Also some of these ding bats dont even know about maximized Armor Mode
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:05 am

I dont know guys, I think its gonna be a good thing. Id rather get kicked every once in a while for kickin ass then havin to leave the server dealin with tard ass cheaters
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:25 am

Noooooooooooooooooooooo. I've been called a hacker so many times. Now I'll be getting kicked from every game -.-

Legit players lose...
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:43 pm

Well I guess if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck
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Amber Ably
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:59 pm

Well I guess if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck

Then one should think about getting their eyes and ears tested?

Seriously I even started a series on my channel of cod games where people called me a cheater. Anyone with half a brain who saw them said they were legit.

I even played with a couple of the devs when they had the game with developers "event". Like I would be dumb enough to hack against the devs and pretend I'm legit?

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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:51 am

Ya, you will get kicked quite a bit.

rounds like that will raise suspicion, hopefully 18-1 is one of your better rounds.
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