» Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:36 pm
Goodbye hackers.All of you are now virtually dead with the vote-kick system.R.I.P crytex programmer,BOOMIJUSTSHOTYOU and many others.My deepest condolences is with all the hackers.
Nah just joking.I will enjoy when all the hackers will be **** and kicked from servers.Yeah baby yeah!svck your cocks all you hackers now.
Thank you so much Crytex!
It'll be the legit good players that'll suffer the most, trust me. Now anyone barely above average that joins a server will kicked in no time because all the whinny 12 year olds on the opposite team don't know how to play and don't want to play against someone that does, that kicks their ass beyond reason.
I know I will... sigh. Already been banned from some servers and threatned with reports to crytek (lol), now that people can actually kick him I'm gonna have a hard time. Whatever, this game already had it's worth with the few dozen hours I put into it. I'm regreting buying this so badly, bought a completely bombed out console port that didn't give me more than 70 hours of fun. Back to TF2, bought that one at half-price than C2 and already have thousands of hours into it.
lol you posted before me, and yeah, we ACTUAL pro players are the one who suffers because all immature/easily raged players are so paranoid about hackers that they will just kick/ban every player that have k/d above 2. this is a sad move for crytek, if not one group of players it will be the other who suffers, they didnt listen to the real problems about improving anti cheat instead just listen to the whinny bunch of morons. i see one hacker the other day using infinite stealth hack, no one say a word lol, just because his k/d seem "reasonable". im sorry, but the vote kick system is not going to work well with hackers, if you play on pro you wont notice a thing since theres no kill cam until you pay close attention.