Is it legit?

Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:55 pm

I found a site selling preorder codes with the carvan pack for 0.99€. Is that legit?
I don't want my game removed hehe.
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:03 pm

I don't know, honestly. It depends on the site, it could easily be a scam. I suggest you wait until the official release of Courier's Stash on the 27th, because it will be cheap and you will get the Caravan Pack in addition to the other ones. Plus, there's no chance of scam.

No, your game won't be "removed", because they don't do that even if it was considered piracy.
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Emily Rose
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Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:03 am

The answer would be no, it's not legit.

There's no guarentee the codes themselves are legit, or that they'd even work or that you'd even get one after paying.

Sites like that usually sell the same item to several different people, meaning even if the code is good. Only one out of dozen people can use it.

Suggest you contact a mod and pass the site details to them and they'll pass it up the line.
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oliver klosoff
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