I'm lazy so I'll copy and paste my readme.
Name: LeprechaunsVersion: 1.1Date: 26/11/2008Category: Models and TexturesAuthor(s): MystykStarDescription===========Just a simple retexture that changes the Garden Gnomes to resemble Leprechauns.Install Instructions====================Unpack the archive and install to Fallout 3 install directory.Download and install Archive Invalidation Invalidated. A must-have for texture replacers.Start the launcher and check off Leprechauns.esp, or check off the mod in FOMM and away you go.Uninstall=========Delete the following files:textures\clutter\gardengnome\gardengnome.ddstextures\clutter\gardengnome\gardengnomedestroyed.ddsLeprechauns.espHistory=======1.2 ~ (Optional) Leprechauns now explode when shot at.1.1 ~ Added an esp.1.0 ~ 26/11/2008 - Initial release.Contact=======You can find me on the Official Elder Scrolls forums as 'MystykStar'You can find me on Fallout3Nexus as 'Star-Mystyk'Credits=======Thanks to Bethesda for creating Fallout 3Thanks to Luchaire for creating the esp (back when we had no GECK)Thanks to ScripterRon for the FO3 Archive UtilityThanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.Tools Used==========DDS ConverterPhotoshopFO3 Archive UtilityReadme GeneratorLicensing/Legal===============You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute it.