Even though it says your stats wont be affect.. ****.. Resetted my stats. My stats before: http://i55.tinypic.com/302t62p.jpg now its gone. Some reason my modules is still max out
I actually think it's sorta cool, it's annoying you loose your leaderboard place etc. but it's nice how your k/d and w/l resets and you can have a chance to really improve them rather than having to go up 0.01 k/d every few beastly games ;/
I think it's extremely stupid that it resets your stats.. I want to reboot so I can make it to 5th, but no point because I'll go from 1st on the leaderboards in 3 categories straight to last..
Yeah that is so stupid. It should be like COD's Prestige system, all your rank, unlocks and blablabla get reseted but you receive some bonuses and still keep all your statistics (Kill/Death ratio, Win/Lose ratio, etc...).