Let's Discuss DLC

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:06 am

Some of you may think that I'm jumping the gun by wanting to talk about add on content, seeing as how Skyrim just came out this month. And I'm sure that there's a whole plethora of complaints about bugs that people want Bethesda to fix before even thinking about making any add on content. But bear with me. Obviously no one's asking Bethesda to start developing an expansion pack, rather we're just throwing ideas out there for when Bethesda does create an expansion pack.

Things to discuss:

- New Location
- New Main Quest and Side Quests
- New weapons and other items

I'll work on my idea while you guys discuss :)
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:36 pm

Some of you may think that I'm jumping the gun by wanting to talk about add on content, seeing as how Skyrim just came out this month. And I'm sure that there's a whole plethora of complaints about bugs that people want Bethesda to fix before even thinking about making any add on content. But bear with me. Obviously no one's asking Bethesda to start developing an expansion pack, rather we're just throwing ideas out there for when Bethesda does create an expansion pack.

Things to discuss:

- New Location
- New Main Quest and Side Quests
- New weapons and other items

I'll work on my idea while you guys discuss :)

Bethesda some how failing to include a Oblivion portal that never closed.. oh, and that it is in skyrim.. it would be a 1-2hr DLC that costed $5-$10. Idk, I wouldn't be surprised if they did this.. and I wouldn't be disappointed.
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The Time Car
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:47 pm

A new part of the map that you get to by ship or boat about political intrigue involving several factions that want to control a large city and you could join any of them.
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Bethany Short
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:40 am

I really am looking for 3 improvements in the way they do their dlc. First, they need to stop giving us overpowered armor and weaponry with each dlc, they need to realize that it completely destroys any game balance, and actually decreases the incentive to keep playing. Some people will be using the dlc with a new game, and if they happen to get it, they can pretty much ignore every other item bethesda crafted. Secondly, they need to give us better integration with the original game, having the topic just pop in your questlog as soon as you get out of the tutorial cave is just lazy, have some rumors about it in a specific area, with voiced dialogue. Lastly, they need to stop giving us these all-combat dlc's, like operation anchorage, mothership zeta, etc. Dlcs are only good when they give an experience similar to the original game (at least gameplay wise) Have the combat mixed with some puzzles, and don't make it so linear.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:55 am

Atmora. That is all.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:06 am

See post below.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:34 am

I would like DLC to improve on the things already in the game. Dark Brotherhood needs a helluva lot more content to it. Smithing needs to have more types of weapons. Longswords, shortswords, scimitars (there is only 1 material used for em). Variations of maces; flanged and spiked for each material. Plus weapons that don't look overly fantasy, more practical. Etc.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:12 pm

I would like DLC to improve on the things already in the game. Dark Brotherhood needs a helluva lot more content to it. Smithing needs to have more types of weapons. Longswords, shortswords, scimitars (there is only 1 material used for em). Variations of maces; flanged and spiked for each material. Plus weapons that don't look overly fantasy, more practical. Etc.

This ^

And make the skills and leveling more balanced, because you could be improving all skills except for attack and fighting skills and then the game punishes you for it. Maybe your character isnt a one that uses those skills and maybe they only use some of the misc skills.

Make houses alot more expanded and add more. Add things like a forge. A library. Bigger rooms. A greathall with a fireplace(kinda like companions building).
escape tunnel. watchtower, maybe. etc just ideas. Also make the houses more customizable and personal.

Add more random things to do and happen. smithing, hunting, exploring. I like doing random things like that the most. Make Smithing more deep and involved.
Add the ability to start a business or company and have competition. Also be able to manage it.

ill think of more ideas later.
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A Dardzz
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:35 am


It will be located in the capital city of Sentinel in Hammerfell as well as its surrounding region. Since this is the only major city, it should be considerably larger than the ones in Skyrim.

The look of the city should be inspired from a combination of old age Indian, Egyptian and Middle Eastern architecture, with palm trees, olive trees and other foliage to help add to the beauty of the city. It'll be made up of five different districts.

The Market District is where small merchants make their fortune by trading via wooden stalls. It's also a primary target for thieves, as its easier to steal items and get away with it here.

Being the most dominant area of the city, Town Square is where the shops, bars, guilds and other public buildings are located. Here you will also find lute players, town preachers and beggars.

Most of the homes are located in the Residents District. The remainder of the homes are situated in the Slum, and they're all in poor condition. Some of them are just shabby wooden shacks.

The Palace is at the center of the city. The Guard's barracks are in the yard, and the prison is directly under it.

The surrounding region, with Sentinel included, should be no smaller than the Shivering Isles, maybe slightly larger. It's a sandy dune area with a few small villages, oasis, ancient ruins, caves, etc.

Possible Main Quest

You join some Nord Sailors in Skyrim to do some trading with Redguards in Hammerfell. During the voyage, your ship is invaded by pirates and you're unable to stop them. You're taken captive to a pirate/bandit camp, where you and the surviving crew members manage to escape. As you escape, you find out from one of the crew members that the Pirates may have gotten a hold of a powerful and dangerous item. You look for it, but to no avail, so you head to Sentinel with the rest of the crew. There you find out that Piracy has become an increasing problem for the residents of the area. Just an idea, you can take it from here...

New Weapons

Pitch Fork

New Creatures/Mounts

Camel (Mount)
Camel Spider
Giant Cobra
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:59 am

I'd like to go to Hammerfall and join forces with the Redguards agaisnt the Thalmor.

And please, continue to make expansions, like in Oblivion. Not Fallout style DLC.
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:40 pm

I want to go to war with the Thalmor
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:48 pm

New Orsinium:

After the Sack of Orsinium, the Orcs scattered into the mountains. Many settled in remote alpine strongholds. Others sought an isolated mountain valley, cut of from the rest of Tamriel, and there laid the foundations of New Orsinium. They have struggled for years to rebuild their great city, but the very isolation that has kept them safe now hinders their progress. Opening the one passage into their valley, they seek outside assistance.

Main Quest: Rebuilding the City
Your actions, both within the New Orsinium Valley, will decide the fate of growing city. You'll establish new trading partners, help fend off some local threats, establish political alliances with the outside world (will New Orsinium stand with the Empire? Provide aid to the Rebels?* Defect to the Thalmor? Or make a bid for its own independence?). At some point in the questline, Malacath will likely get involved, perhaps to thank the player for aiding his chosen people in their hour of need. On the other hand, perhaps a cult of Namira has grown up among the Orcs and could serve as antagonists. So long have they been brow-beaten outcastes that they now revel in their oppression. They seek to seal off the Valley forever and wallow in their misery.

*This one could get complicated, but bonus points if all the possibilities are taken into account: siding with the Empire or Stormcloaks during the Civil War, siding with the Empire after they've won or lost the civil war, and siding with the Stormcloaks after they've won or lost the civil war.

Side Quests
Not sure of any specifics off the top of my head, but as New Orsinium grows from an isolated settlement into a major city, and as the population grows, new side quests and miscellaneous quests would open up.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:09 pm

I want guns and bear armor, they can sell it for 1200 MicroSoftPoints.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:08 am

Dark Brotherhood needs a helluva lot more content to it.

I've finished all guild quests and DB has imo the best storyline followed by the thieves, then the mages guild and imo the most content of all.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:06 pm

Horse Armour!

... only kidding...

First DLC packs will probably be small things, a house fort or tower, I wouldn't be surprised to see spellcrafting form part of DLC, because its a guaranteed money spinner.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:50 am

A questline that involves kicking Thalmor ass so hard that they'll be crying and never dare to threaten the race of men ever again. I want the Bosmers to do the most ass-kicking, though as they are incredibly epic in Skyrim. Bosmers <3
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:59 pm

Expect some breathtaking scenaries.

They can make some gorgeous places if they take their time
Ever been to Blackreach?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:08 am

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Russell Davies
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:30 pm

Do not want dlc

expansion please
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Hella Beast
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:38 am

I want large islands to the north in the Sea of Ghost. Not tiny pint sized DlC like in Fallout 3, NV and Oblivion. Exceptions of course are Point Lookout and Shivering Isles..

I want expansions similar in size to Bloodmoon and the Shivering Isles or bigger. :celebration:

I want unique content such as clothes, weapons, armor, jewelry, quest, random items, and a completely unique look and atmosphere. I want "main quest" line with dozens of hours worth of content. I want dozens of hours of content potentially hundreds of hours of more content spread out in an expansion I want some new houses in these areas. I want the option to change hair, beard, face paint, dirt level, and what looks to be make up on women. I do not want minimal DLC I want full fledged expansions as additional content to these games. :tes:

I just had to copy and paste this here as I feel these are excellent thoughts for DLC...
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:16 am

New cities/bigger cities/more NPC's.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:51 am

Most people I've shared this idea with say they are "sick of morrowind" but I think i would like to see a dlc with a return to the now devastated land of morrowind. Main quest for dlc would have something to do with the eruption of red mountain. Another idea would be Akavir. There ARE dragons there so who's to say a dlc wouldn't be set there?
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:49 pm

Most people I've shared this idea with say they are "sick of morrowind" but I think i would like to see a dlc with a return to the now devastated land of morrowind. Main quest for dlc would have something to do with the eruption of red mountain. Another idea would be Akavir. There ARE dragons there so who's to say a dlc wouldn't be set there?

Maybe we'd even meet Nerevarine in Akavir, since he went and settled there after all.
Who knows what he's been up to. We did meet the Champion of Cyrodill is Skyrim, after all.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:22 am

All I really want is an actual place, instead of a deadric realm etc. Like Morrowind did Solsthiem and Mournhold, they were actual places in Tamriel, I would like that. I would love to see some dlc in a part of the Morrowind mainland, see what has happened to the province, and it's a prime location since it's right by Skyrim, and we have never seen Morrowinds mainland.
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:28 am

All I really want is an actual place, instead of a deadric realm etc. Like Morrowind did Solsthiem and Mournhold, they were actual places in Tamriel, I would like that. I would love to see some dlc in a part of the Morrowind mainland, see what has happened to the province, and it's a prime location since it's right by Skyrim, and we have never seen Morrowinds mainland.

But still I'd rather see something new.

Another province, yet to be visited.
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