» Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:35 am
It will be located in the capital city of Sentinel in Hammerfell as well as its surrounding region. Since this is the only major city, it should be considerably larger than the ones in Skyrim.
The look of the city should be inspired from a combination of old age Indian, Egyptian and Middle Eastern architecture, with palm trees, olive trees and other foliage to help add to the beauty of the city. It'll be made up of five different districts.
The Market District is where small merchants make their fortune by trading via wooden stalls. It's also a primary target for thieves, as its easier to steal items and get away with it here.
Being the most dominant area of the city, Town Square is where the shops, bars, guilds and other public buildings are located. Here you will also find lute players, town preachers and beggars.
Most of the homes are located in the Residents District. The remainder of the homes are situated in the Slum, and they're all in poor condition. Some of them are just shabby wooden shacks.
The Palace is at the center of the city. The Guard's barracks are in the yard, and the prison is directly under it.
The surrounding region, with Sentinel included, should be no smaller than the Shivering Isles, maybe slightly larger. It's a sandy dune area with a few small villages, oasis, ancient ruins, caves, etc.
Possible Main Quest
You join some Nord Sailors in Skyrim to do some trading with Redguards in Hammerfell. During the voyage, your ship is invaded by pirates and you're unable to stop them. You're taken captive to a pirate/bandit camp, where you and the surviving crew members manage to escape. As you escape, you find out from one of the crew members that the Pirates may have gotten a hold of a powerful and dangerous item. You look for it, but to no avail, so you head to Sentinel with the rest of the crew. There you find out that Piracy has become an increasing problem for the residents of the area. Just an idea, you can take it from here...
New Weapons
Pitch Fork
New Creatures/Mounts
Camel (Mount)
Camel Spider
Giant Cobra