Wow... I can't believe all the love for House and Caesar.
Sure, benevolent dictatorship seems great--desperate times/desperate measures and all. BUT, the problem with benevolent dictatorships is that there's no way to insure continued benevolence. They can, and have, turned to bloody genocide on a dime in the name of serving the greater good.
No, I gotta go with that great American, Winston Churchill who said, "democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."

The NCR may be greedy, corrupt, and inefficient, but that's about as bad as they can get, limited as they are by their democracy. To me, they seem a lot like the US during the guilded age. They're greedy, expansionist, dominated by powerful economic interests, and like the US, thanks to their democratic institutions, they have the capacity for peaceful, orderly reform.
Ultimately, the NRC will reform, crumble, splinter violently, or morph into something less democratic and more authoritarian (like the REAL Roman Empire). In the meantime, they seem the best, safest choice for humanity's continued progress.
Certainly, isolated incidents like Bitter Springs or the Jacobstown plan are still possible.
What separates the NCR from the Dictators is that, with the NCR, bad actors can still be held accountable for their actions if the sovereign people choose to do so. House and Caesar are laws unto themselves. They can legitimately do anything they like and be accountable to no one. That is nearly always bad.
:tops: :tops:
Well said!
What the NCR lacks in perfection, it makes up in design. By that, I mean that the New California Republic exists only with the consent of her people.
I, for one, would rather have the seat of power in the Wasteland set in Shady Sands rather than the Lucky 38.
Despite what the naive would want to believe, there is nothing in New Vegas that is designed to help the Wasteland. Everything House says speaks to stroking his own ego and establishing his own little empire in the Mojave. I'm sorry but the idea of a Fallout-era Howard Hughes in charge of an army of insanely powerful robots just does not strike me as anything but a recipe for disaster.
The Legion is no better. They are nothing more than the slavers of Paradise Falls in uniform. Caesar might as well be Eulogy Jones with a slightly wider purview. It's easy to enforce "law" at gun (or spear) point; however, it will not last. Sooner or later the slave class will find a way to revolt.
No, fellow citizens of the Wastland.
The New California Republic, as fraught with problems as it may be, offers the best political alternative. Of course we all regret horrible instances such as what happened at Bitter Springs. Of course we would all want a peaceful settlement such as Jacobstown to be given the benefit of the doubt. Still, without justifying the failures of the government, is it so hard to see how such mistakes occur?
The atrocity of Bitter Springs, as sad and deplorable as it was, took place only after the Khan society had been attacking and raiding caravans and small towns, a fact that their leader seems almost proud of; the move against the Khan location at Bitter Springs was thought, at the time, to be one against a Khan
military locus. If you believe otherwise, then I'm sure that there is a shack for you in Novac where you can discuss the Bitter Springs and chupacabra conspiracies at length.
As for Jacobstown, is it any wonder that some elements of the Wasteland, and not just those of us in the NCR, should look at a massive gathering of Nightkin and Super Mutants with a weary eye? While I am inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt ... for now ... I can certainly understand why others are not.
Though it may seem slow and ineffectual, the NCR
is working for the benefit of the Wasteland. The agricultural project outside New Vegas is only one example. But, I tell you, it is impossible for any government to establish security and continuity without the support of its people. It's hard enough for the NCR military to hold back the monstrosity of the Legion. Add to that the on-going fight against raiders and Wasteland abominations in an effort to secure trade routes, brokering peace with the Khans, working with the Followers of the Apocalypse to establish cleaner food and water and better medical care.
All of that is hard enough, let alone having to worry about the plans of petty wanna-be dictator hold up in a New Vegas casino. As it stands, the NCR is too distracted to notice that we put a moron like Mr. Fantastic in charge at Helios!
It's time for the Wasteland to stop being divisionary and clinging to 200 years of feudal isolationism! The only way that humanity will finally manage to pull itself up from the festering radioactive pools of our past is to work together and rebuild a government of the people, by the people and for the people. None of us wants our hard earned caps scraqed off our backs to support the government but, as I've asked before, would any of us rather it be the blood of friends and loved ones instead?
Not me.