:nope: That's not what we want for Skyrim, is it? :huh:
Thats actually EXACTLY what i want. It can be set to default settings and anyone who doesnt want to mess with it wont have to.
Obviously a lot of it is unrealistic (ie toggle-able werewolves) because if they arent properly put in to begin with then turning them on is illogical. However something as simple using a paper map could be easily placed in and function properly. Its not the quanity of changes that could cause a problem, its the quality and depth. Something deeper like including greaves (and/or other missing slots most people want back) would be a ton of work and would likely be a bad idea.
Options are better then waiting around for mods, especially for console users

And to those of you who are good at making mods, options are better as they allow you to spend your time making a different mod and ultimately adding more to the game in the end.