I let her live...

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:54 am

Oops, I meant to type: "treasure hunting quests sidetracked" up above in the caption below the thread title.

Going thru Cyrodiil today with Beujok the Grey Wizard. He's done a lot, including finishing up the MG and Main Quests. Now, he's feeling a bit useless.

Anyways, one day we noticed after all this, Beujok has only managed to collect just two Ayleid artifacts. So without going into too much detail, he's wanting to collect these up so he can can cash them in, finish these quests, and fully decorate his Chorrol house with all the money he'll be making :rolleyes:

I cheated a bit and went on UESP, just to give me an idea of which direction to start on his quest. Since Iv'e got the vanilla game on PS3, I allow this cheat because his game has 180 hours on it, and that's about half the life of an Oblivion game for me. I've lost 2 games to the A-bug at 360 hrs. you see.

Anyways, he's walking thru the woods, backtracking to one of the Ayleid ruins. Since he's collected 2 statues but has found 3 statue-holding ruins, that means one of the three has not been explored yet. But as things usually go in this game, he's gotten sidetracked.

He's walking west thru the forest torwards Wendir, when he comes across a fort he's not found (Fort Wooden Hand). Deep inside the passageways, Beujok comes across an adversary he was not able to take down!

She was an ordinary Marauder Battlemage, so it seemed, but she had a Staff of Silence. She could also throw fireballs, recharge her health, and (damn) she could dodge! I've never seen an NPC dodge as well as she did. After something like 5 minutes of trying to take her down with lightning bolts, Beujok simply could not hit her often enough. Any bolt he landed upon her would eventually be taken care of as she healed herself. But most of the bolts missed, while Beujok's magika deflated like a sad balloon.

She managed to hit him quite a few times early with her Staff of Silence, keeping Beujok at a huge disadvantage. This was me being clumsy, of course. Although her fireballs didnt' hit quite as often, her ability to dodge was amazing. I always play in 3rd person view when I'm in combat, and usually I'm able to still take enemies down from a distance, but not with this one!

After awhile, I gave up. :surrender: I decided she deserves some respect, and let her live. Beujok cast Invisibility upon himself, walked by her, and declared a psychic truce. :)
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:24 pm

Neat story! Thanks for sharing. I love it when an NPC is smart enough to use silence. I have enountered a couple hedge wizards who did that. Buffy carries some dispel potions (graqe + bergamot) and will quickly dispel the silence, go invisible and skulk away to regroup and figure out what to do. I think your character was wise to let her live. How fun! :twirl:
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Sweet Blighty
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