how is up there you yellow lanky bastards.
I dont like 'em, skinny gits, I knock one out everytime I see 'em
how is up there you yellow lanky bastards.
I dont like 'em, skinny gits, I knock one out everytime I see 'em Altmer Battlemage. Just cause you find a couple worms, doesn't mean you should chop the tree down.
I agree "Some Idiot", Skyrim blitzed the race. As a long - standing gamer of the series, the Altmer have always been a bit snotty, but not the crazy superior...elves, that we had in Skyrim. Its interesting, because I think most gamers associate themselves with the human races, as a automatic impulse. A bit if a psychological thing, but we want to back our fellow Human comrades than these weird - looking "elves". Ha! Like anybody could be superior to the human race!!!!
Yes, its hard to warm to the Altmer in Skyrim, a lot of nasty characters there. I think the Altmer who is my all - time favourite was Sinderion, the master alchemist from Oblivion. He never once was snotty, and was a nice fellow.
I used to like Runil, until I found his diary which said he had fought in the great war against the Empire, something to do with supply lines in Cheydinhal, I think. After that, I was a lot more frosty with him....ironic a priest of life went around killing people.
However, I don't buy the rubbish on superiority. Yes yes, maybe man-for-man they are, but historically, they have been rules from several human overlords throughout history. Its only recently they can stake a claim to superiority. And the whole idea, in my opinion, is rubbish anyway. However, Im not exactly gagging with love for the Nordic policies towards discrimination, superiority and independence, either. Then theres the Imperials, who are floundering, and the Redguards, who are leaving the Imperials to die.
Hmm, if anything, I like those Dumner, they have never shouted rubbish about superiority or overlordship, maybe because they felt like they didn't need to. And lets face it, the Argonains are doing pretty well on their own as well.
Honestly, I really like the lady Altmer voice, but not Elenwen's. But I'm not prejudiced against any race in the Elder Scrolls.
Uh, did anyone here ever state otherwise? Why did you feel that had to be said?
I agree she's not too shabby with the "Better females by Bella" (and the "less makeup" option).
The link says not found...did you delete it already?
Show some love for my favorite race? Certainly.
I think one of the reasons I enjoy playing as Altmer so much is because theyre so misrepresented in Skyrim. Have you ever read on the SkyrimBlog? It's long, but its amazing if you can find the time.
I like to fight against that stereotype with my own characters. Plus, being a person who loves magic and never goes without it, what better race to pick, eh? Ive easily made the most High Elves out of any other race. I pour more hours into my favorites, like (best looking one ive made) than most other characters. Something about being a High Elf just feels so...satisfying and rare. Where's Pistolero when you need him?
My first altmer character.
A little background on her. She is a thief, fights with a dagger, illusion and flames.
I'm not a fan of altmer but she is my first one and I'm enjoying the RP.
That mod makes her and the other NPCs look yucky IMO.
The eyes can not unsee what has been seen.
What mod do you use to better their looks then? Surely they don't look that good vanilla?
The Dunmer may be more interesting, but the Altmer are the ultimate mer.
I prefer Niranye myself.
In that screen capture, I am using:
Post a screenshot of elenwen with all your mods activated.
This is what she looks to me:
Looks a million times better than vanilla, imo. I chose "less makeup" because more makeup made her look like a glamazon lol. I suppose vanilla better faces + no more blocky faces would look alright as well.
I'll post a picture later tonight. I am away from my gaming system at the moment.
Careful now, you might make me like elenwen, lol!
Ethereal Elven Overhaul is also very kind to Altmers.