In Fallout 3 we had the Rielly's Ranges armor that gave us LCK+1 Small Guns +5 and AP +5. That being the case, I was honestly expecting them to expand on that 10 fold due to the uniqueness of all the factions in New Vegas. There was a rediculous lack of imagination when it came to giving the faction's classes of armor different perks, abilities and stat modifiers that should have been applied to compliment that perticular armor set's job in each faction but it's apearance as well.
So what exactly am I thinking should have been applied to the different armor sets? Here's a quick list of some of the more obvious ones.
NCR Ranger Patrol Armor: Well considering that there is a water pack on the back, hrmm I don't know MAYBE H20- 20%! As well as Survival +5
NCR Ranger Battle Armor: The helmet for the most obvious reason, Night Vision, like a permenant cateye but in a red hue. As for the Armor it's self with the duster. Would it have really been that rediculous to give it the same perks as the sheriff's duster? Or maybe sneak +5 and scrapping that hidious recon armor all-together?
Powder Ganger Armor: Another rediculously obvious one. Explosives +5, reduced limb damage from explosions.
Legion Explorer Armor: Survival +5, x 3 zoom with binoculars.
Fiend Armor: Chem effectiveness +10%, Chem duration x 2.
And 2 non faction ones I quickly came up with.
Suave Gambler Hat: LCK + 1.
Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit: Energy Weapons +5, Guns +5.
I seriously hope bethesda and Obsidian read this to see what they severly omitted from New Vegas, and implement these things into the upcoming expansions, rather than give us new armor sets that do absoutly nothing.
Once again let me know what you think and feel free to add.