No more Expansions, only DLC's instead? Skyrim will need Steam? I don't like this but i understand. It's the future of PC games, i think, so i can live with that.
I can't see my legs in 1st person? It's annoying but i can live with what...
Fast Travel and Quest Compass is present again? Sure, I rarely use it anyway, but i prefer a clean compass with only N, W, S and E.
Will we start in prison again? Sure, i like that, it's a TES tradition!

In Skyrim will we have CTD from time to time? I hope not,I sincerely doubt that will not happen, but it's kind a tradition "thing" as well in TES games anyway

But what about COMBAT AI?
We'll see in Skyrim human(oid)s enemies FINALLY cure themselves more than 1,2 maybe 3 times?
I don't rebember lose any 1x1 battle in Oblivion! Why? I have almost ALL ADVANTAGES:
Leveling enemy (i think this is more a "gameplay kill", sorry if i disagree of most people), human Int., potions, spells, pause and so on... And if all that fails i can run away and escape...

So... If better AI is the future like T.Howard said (and i totally agree) and a better AI may set a line between good games / excelent games / epic games... What about AI in battles in a RPG game?
I wonder what is your opinion on this matter and if you have suggestions to improve the AI in battle, thanks.
(Excuse me any errors, english is not my native language)