I am talking about what we feel while we play and possibly become our characters, that is. I've got Oblivion, but this topic can work with any TES game I suppose. There's plenty of threads on how our characters feel about stuff, but what about us? What emotions do we experience?
Character: Igodah Go^pe
emotions involved: POWER TRIP, cold humor :gun: :cold:
Igodah is my high-elf mage. Been playing this character on and off for over a year (Earth year, not game year) and her spell book is packed with high-potency at this point. Becoming Igodah is great in some ways. I always get psyched to "become" her because she's at the point where the entire land of Cyrodiil really is at her mercy. If she wanted, she could literally maim and destroy an entire town's residents (all the NPCs who are non-essential, basically) within an Earth hour. She's not gonna do this, but she HAS been killing all the orcs she can by leading them away from their comfort zones, and then Immobilizing them (usually), and then murdering them!
And of course, Igodah Go^Pe simply dominates the dungeons. She rarely has to deal with face-to-face combat anymore with the wide range of spells she's got at her fingertips. Before the enemy even knows she's around, she's already got a strategy all planned out since she always knows where and how many enemies are around far before she even enters the area.
But what do I feel while playing her?
Like I said, it's a power-trip feeling. She's my power trip fix. I have to listen to my boss all day, have to wait in line at the supermarket sometimes for like 15 mintues, have to deal with dumb drivers cutting me off and tailgating me on my commute to work...so Igodah is sort of a release for all this. When becoming her, I'm the one in charge! I'm hte one in control....and BOY does it feel good to be the boss sometimes!
Also, things happen during combat with Igodah...moments that are so FUNNY, I laugh my ass off when I'm with Igodah sometimes, but it's a cold sort of laughter. Like a bit cruel....she'll walk into a room with three enemies while invisible for instance...sheild, light, and Fortify Magic spells already going. Casts a spell at one bandit, drops a summoned creature into the room, and calmly goes about searching the rest of the room while invisible. The enemies start tripping over each other's feet...OOF! I"ll hack you to ARGH@!!! It's funny as hell to listen to them struggle while Igodah calmly hides in the corner!
But also...if I didn't have other characters to play, I would certainly get bored of Igodah. If I didn't have a balance of other emotions while playin Oblivion, I wouldn't get as psyched to play Oblivion as I do. Since she's got a huge radius of light spell she can cast (and she's always got a Torchlight {5 minute} spell going underground) I rarely feel surprised while playing Igodah.
Character: Dyan phor à Càuze
emotions involved: Righteousness, discipline, caution, surprise... :angel: :ninja: :nono:

Dyan is my Holy Paladin. Completely and uttterly Lawful Good, devoted to the Empire, and a follower of the Nine Divines. Becoming Dyan (at this point) really IS different from becoming Igodah. I only bring all this up because it illustrates just how many ways there are to play TES games.
When playing Dyan, the first thing I always notice is that now I won't have to ever worry about dealing with Imperial Guards trying to bust me. Dyan NEVER has a bounty, so it's a sigh of relief I breathe when Dyan gets into the game. When going into various civilized areas (where there's guards) with Igodah, I sometimes get very hair-triggered & nervous. That moment when the guard runs up always raises my blood pressure even after all this time!

And then I also look forward to her quests. She's very righteous, and as I'm going about the KOTN quests (and other "good" questlines) I actually start feeling like a do-gooder, but not in a haughty way. Dyan is not haughty. She's (in fact) quite a servant to the good peoples of Cyrodiil. :angel: It's all about serving the people for the greater good with her. I've (in fact) shed a tear or two while being Dyan, which is too deep for me to even try to explain why/how.
But in the dungeons, Dyan is NOTHING like Igodah. She's a fighter mostly, only using Healing spells, potions, and the occasional scroll. This means she deals with close combat quite alot. I'm role-playing her NOT to use SNeak, also. She's one of those "burst into the room and start slashing" types!
But sometimes I feel surprise while playing Dyan. Utter surprise; literally get the hair standing up on my arms (what hair there is anyways); goosepimples over my entire body! Dyan hasn't got nifty Detect Life spells like the high elf mage does, and only carries a torch at the moment. So there are plenty of moments when I simply do not see my enemy coming. I program my TV screen pretty dark when in caves and ruins.
That's all for now, and now if you'd like to share