Endgame content. Quests are level 50. Scroll up
I'm not trying to persuade YOU, btw, Psymon. You clearly don't like this game and should not be playing it Games are for fun!
Endgame content. Quests are level 50. Scroll up
I'm not trying to persuade YOU, btw, Psymon. You clearly don't like this game and should not be playing it Games are for fun!
Which is how games tend to work. However, we've already seen in beta that as you level, combat changes appreciably (regardless of whether you like the overall combat system). So it's a little silly to assume that the trend won't continue into the higher levels.
In my experience with MMOs since EQ 1, i have never come across a developer who are so tight lipped about their game other than SWTOR. So in all honesty nothing will surprise me with zenimax. I plan to enjoy the levelling experience when the game launches and then will see what happens next.
Then umm don't tell me what I should do. I can play a game, criticize it, post about it, decide not to play it or wait for the price to drop and play it when I think the content matches the price point.
pretty much the only reason I played to level 15 was for the story and that I like the art and seeing more TES provinces. Those are the good parts.
Not sure why folks get so bothered by criticism of this game.
Its normal these days , might it be sports or MMOs, people get too defensive when even constructive criticism is issued
People aren't bothered by criticism so much as they are bothered by incessant criticism. You have made it very clear that you like nothing about this game, which is your prerogative. But at a certain point, you just have to say that this isn't the game for you and go play something else. You can't just say that everything about it is wrong and expect that it's somehow going to undergo a complete overhaul in the next 2 months, especially given how excited most people are about the game in its current form.
I'm not bothered. You were responding to me as though you thought I was trying to convince you of something. I'm not.
Just trying to inject what information is available into this discussion.
Well before it was that people were not criticizing correctly because they were misinformed or because they didn't heed the necessities that all MMOs follow the WoW path.
Now it is that it is that the criticism is incessant.
I think it fairly obvious that people tend to repeat themselves if they don't feel heard. That is a factor I think - people come here to criticize to the developers primarily (and also talk with others who are grumpy perhaps) but then get responses from lovers of the game who are themselves under the impression that only other lovers of the game should be here. These two groups or people start miscommunicating and then you have these silly flame wars. I just ask you to consider that the forum (since it is the only official place really that is open) is for more than just those who are eager to play.
Also - even in the quote you have of me there - I praised three aspects of the game. In case you missed it.
Were good. No problems.
Welp, there is one advantage of getting the PS4 version over the PC one, I can wait and see/hear what the endgame will be like (I'm assuming by then the locusts would be at endgame by the time the PS4 version comes out). Hopefully it will involve a lot of PVE, if not then I don't have to worry about wasting my time or money.
The last time I saw message boards this full of strife was on Diablo 3's message boards. An awful game but that is beside the point. The fanbois would not let anyone speak their mind without attacking them and vice-versa. I see Gaumix starting a thread and speaking his mind. His thoughts are echoed by others. Yet...people feel the need to go on the offensive and attack him or others for merely saying what they would like from ESO. Heck, Gaumix even voiced what he would like in a civil manner. Would be nice to see people more polite to one another on these boards. If the content others would like isn't for you, just know that some people would like to see it and if you don't like it you don't have to participate in it. Cheers
They have mentioned bits about whats going to be at endgame give them chance i think we all should know by now they seem to do things late. Look at the NDA last week only it was lifted. I am not having a go at anybody for going on but they have stated about dungeons, adventure zone, public dungeons, doing the other factions quests at endgame, Is their something i am missing which you guys want?.
There isn't going to be any 16 man raids if thats what you mean. 12 man was what they have already stated. and they call them adventure zones. They stated also their main aim was cyrodiil honestly this is what this game is about. PVE seems to be a side game to them by the looks of it. I for one am glad if that is the case there are plenty of PVE based mmos around for you guys to go raid on.
Edit: Read that from early last year it talks somewhat about PVE and that's a developer saying it. And the elderscrolls link to that mentions some things. and i am sorry but a lot of games release with a lot less then whats being spoken about.
And there are plenty of PvP based MMOs around too, pointless argument that just goes around in circles.
Unless I've missed something, Adventure Zones aren't even going to be ready for launch. Its going to launch with just a few heroic dungeons or whatever you want to call them. That is going to be nowhere near enough for players who enjoy endgame PvE content.
Dammit Zenimax, stop shooting yourself in the foot and start talking about your game !
So you want and encounter that targets healers first and is impossible to beat.
If PvPers can beat "target the healer first" tactics, surely PvEers can figure it out eventually as well...
I'm hoping they go a more DAoC styled approach to endgame pve. Basically someone in chat said they were forming a dragon group and anyone anywhere could come if they so desired. Nothing like seeing 100 people fighting a dragon. Or going on a legion run.
I dunno. When you have such massive numbers fighting a single boss, plus or minus one more is pretty negligible. Which always made me feel more like it wouldn't have made a bit of difference whether I contributed or just stood there watching it happen. I get more out of "one powerful boss with a bunch of challenging henchmen" than "one incredibly powerful boss all on his own." Even if it is functionally the same (in the sense of 'plus or minus one is negligible,') the dynamics of it just felt more like I was a relevant factor.
Not sure if it's relevant, but I also tended to find single-boss fights easier than swarm fights in singleplayer games.
The lingering question is about adventure zones. If zenimax would come out openly and talk about what they are, then people can make up their minds if they like the concept or not and decide whether to play the game or not. The fact that zenimax is silent about AZs so close to launch is the thing leading to skepticism.
The problem with massive long raids is that they are massive long raids. WoW raids were relaxation-happy-fun-time compared to the massive headache/timesink of some older MMOs like Everquest. 72 man raids sounds great on paper, but there is a reason only 2-3 successful raiding guilds existed on a server - They are a pain in the ass to run and to participate in. Sure, there is a sense of accomplishment at the end, but it's WORK. It's essentially a frakkin military operation and no offense to WoW raids as I know those are fairly complex too, but these massive PVE raids with lots of people where the fights need to go nearly perfect to win only apply to a fraction of the population.
Does that mean there shouldn't be large scale group content? There should be, but it should revolve around a smaller number of people: 2-3 groups maximum, in my opinion.