I never travel with a companion. They always get in my way and I end up hitting them with friendly fire. I mean I'll be engaging an enemy with up close melee combat, really up close, like so close that there's no room between myself and my foe, and my companion will still find a way to slide in front of me and get nailed with my warhammer.
Unless you a jack of all trades EZ mode gamer, really depends as certain companions have better synergy with your class type.
On my 2 hand Warrior I typically bring along Aela or whatever her name is from the Companion guild. She's a natural archer so works very well.
On my Archer Thief I bring along Lydia as she tanks and aggros stuff like a mofo as I sit back and plunk the mobs off her with arrows
On my Mage I don't bring anyone, too much friendly fire and I have to be extremely careful with AOE spells for fear of killing my tag alongs, haha.