I am by no means an expert on Fallout lore but anyways here are some of my thoughts on the enemies we've seen so far
It seems like the super mutants in this game are more similar if not the same as the West Cost Mariposa Super Mutants instead of the Vault 87 version judging from their color and appearance. Judging from this http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/2/2b/Fo4-supermutants-concept.png/revision/latest?cb=20150617082605 they do posses vastly better equipment and gear than their capital wasteland counterparts. The super mutant Behemoth at E3 doesn't seem as impressive in size as they are in Fallout 3. If I recall it has to do with the Vault 87 strain allowing their variety to grow over time so I speculate the ones in Fallout 4 could just be a few abnormally large ones. In general I do prefer the more sophisticated and intelligent super mutants in New Vegas over the ones in Fallout 3 and I seriously hope that Super mutants aren't all over the damn place like they are in 3 as well.
The Yao Guai certainly looks a lot more fiercer and impressive than they did in Fallout 3 especially in size and we haven't even see it stand on it's hind legs yet.
On to Raiders. Lol is it really necessary to name one of the class "Raider Scum" Kinda sounds as redundant as "Bandit Thug" did in Skyrim, just nitpicking a little. From the gameplay footage and https://cdn3.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/g4k8IZIdtsa3-ZiXXj4b5RoTl7o=/1020x0/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3791418/Fallout4_Concept_Raiders_1434323468.0.png the Raiders a lot more savage and well equipped like the mutants. It's more logical now that the Raiders who charge head on into you with melee weapons are some of the most well armored ones like this Raider Psycho http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/f/fe/Raider_Phycho.png/revision/latest?cb=20150617170618 instead of a half naked moron running at you in the previous two Fallout games ... cause you know you know, if you are going to run up to a guy shooting at you, you want to be protected duh! From the Raiders I also noticed that the game has improved AI as in the gameplay demo while the PC was shooting at one raider another raider that was carrying a melee weapon was hiding in a corner peeking until he was spotted or one of them hiding in an small corner from the sentry bot. I still have to question the Raiders who thought it was smart to take pot shots out in the open with no cover at a Gatling gun wielding dude in power armor though.
Robots. Sentry bots seem more mobile and larger this time around although that may be because the one we saw was suppose to be a siege breaker type. Protectrons seem more or less the same. It appears that we have androids now as well in the form of the Synth which dates back to some of the things we heard in Fallout 3 who are obviously pretty resistant to damages.
Radscorpions can now burrow into the ground and ambush you.
Molerats ehhh still the same though they appear to burrow their way out kinda like the Radscorpions.
Deathclaws. Darn they seem a lot faster this time around and judging by one of them picking the player up and unleashing what appears to be a fatal jab with it's claws, it seems like the finishing moves that Skyrim started make a return and this time it works in first person too.
Feral Ghouls. They appear more human like with grayish colors and even have most of their clothing attached to them. The one near the shed in the demo looks like it's walking with a limp
Bloodbugs and their ability to latch onto you. For some reason I get the feeling these large ass mosquitoes are going to be the new Cazadors
The mirelurk queen feels a lot similar to the Chaurus from Skyrim
While the dog we saw in the demo was our companion, we could assume that hostile dogs would also have the same abilities it does such as being able to drag enemies to the ground or bite at their throats and nibble on them.
Anyways this is just my anolysis of what we've seen with enemies in Fallout 4 so far. Even though we see the PC fighting BOS members in the trailer I didn't list them because I doubt that the BOS are actual enemies in the game unless of course you attack them first or join an opposing faction of some sort. That said it appears that we can now can fight enemies both on vertibirds and from vertibirds (yes I know you can shoot down Vertibirds in Fallout 3).
What are some of your thoughts?