Oh cliffracer,
oh cliffracer,
why do you swarm on top of me?
Oh cliffracer,
oh cliffracer,
I wish you had the sense to flee.
My trusty bow arm grows so tired.
I wish these birds would all retire.
Oh cliffracer,
oh cliffracer,
oh how I wish swift death on thee!
Who else would like to write a poem about cliffracers? If I get enough good ones, I'll stick them in a book and put them in my mod (with proper accreditation of course).

Ok, one more before bed:
The cliffracer is long in snout,
and has a pointy tail.
It likes to swoop down from above,
and rain on you like hail.
The cliffracer prefers to swarm.
It's worse than fighting ash-filled storms.
If we don't kill them fast enough,
their numbers will prevail.