and he managed to break the main quest line within the first 20 minutes of playing because he thought it would be funny to kill a chicken in riverwood then somehow managed to kill gerdur after she attacked him...
and he managed to break the main quest line within the first 20 minutes of playing because he thought it would be funny to kill a chicken in riverwood then somehow managed to kill gerdur after she attacked him...
You should have told him that killing a chicken is the biggest and worst crime that can be done in Skyrim...
My wife would kill me if I let my kids play!
And they said they made this game for kids. Joke's on you now, Skyrim nay sayers! Joke's on you!
haha i figured as much, he's not even trippin off the quests anyways, he just likes to explore. i just thought it was funny
lol with advlt supervision its not so bad, he mainly just likes to kill bandits and draugr, i doubt he could find the more risque content, and if he did he wouldn't notice it anyways. now call of duty on the other hand, his mom gets pissed that i let him play that haha
Once on this board a poster wrote about how he let his toddler play Skyrim.
Granted, he was with her the whole time to guide the experience so she wouldn't end up with Draugr or something and he had disabled the agression on wildlife and monsters.
As I recall she spent most her time on Skyrim 'petting the sabre kitties' (WARNING: high-decibel toddler)
its no worse than power rangers or star wars imo, those are his favorite shows lol
To be fair, the "gore" in vanilla Skyrim is not very cringe worthy IMHO.
I don't think I have killed a single chicken through my entire time of playing Skyrim. I'm more of a goat murderer.
I haven't killed one chicken, lesson learned at Lon Lon Ranch.
Same here, but with me it's because I've played Bethesda games before.
What is there in Skyrim that wouldn't be suitable for kids?
I killed one chicken once very early on, just to see if the promo vid was for real and you could use magic to resurrect a chicken.
I've never even killed bunnies (unless I was unaware of them while letting fly with AOE destruction magic).
Same here. My wife would be very upset. I would NEVER let my 5 year old play. I dont even allow her to be in the room when IM playing. Its called RESPONSIBLE PARENTING.
This reminds me of the first time one of my boys (considerably older than 6) played Oblivion. His Redguard had killed a few too many of the residents of Bruma, and was reduced to dodging the guards' arrows jumping from roof to roof. "Dad, can I change my guy's name?" "No son, you need a new character." "Oh, I wanted to change it to Roofcrawler."
I just asked him if he remembered this, and what started all the grief. That's right, stealing a yarn.
Oh phooey.
They literally said the same sort of thing about Donald Duck nearly a century ago.
What you're talking about are advlt hang-ups and niceties. If you read a kid the original, non-bowdlerised version of Sleeping Beauty, where the wicked witch dies from being rolled down a hill in a bucket full of nails, they will love it, by and large. Children do not mind seeing terrible things happening to the deserving, they are remarkably unrefined.
It's the advlts that experience the fridge horror.
If there is advlt supervision and more importantly, if the parent deems it fit for that particular and individual child, why not?
You can always steer them away from particular content if you're there with them and Skyrim has plenty of deer and rainbows. Well, not literal rainbows I don't think. It has an aurora though.