Lets go back to the first day you played Oblivion

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:27 am

*Edit* It was May 7 by the way.

You a May 7th person as well? ;)

I was introduced to Oblivion at a friend's house, and he had to talk me through the tutorial as I had never really played a game like it. Once out into the open I'd got it, and to the general horror of the household I had great fun charging around trying to shoot deer. Quite why I did this I don't know, but my reputation as mega-ultra-violent was sealed.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:56 am

First thing I remember doing is A Rat Problem quest. Since it was my fist time playing through, I had no Idea how to make money, so I spent most of my game time robbing houses, then I killed the jewelry store owner in the imperial city and looted the shop. After that I was mostly in and out of jail. Good times :)
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:37 pm

Spent an hour or so putting together my character, played the tutorial up to the death of the Emperor, reloaded and tried to save him a couple of times, saw that was useless, and sneaked my way through the sewers. Then, I stood by the waterside in awe, staring, just enjoying the view, until I experienced death by mudcrab, which amused my husband greatly. Reloaded, and raced off to Weynon Priory. Rushed off to Kvatch, tried to enter the oblivion gate by walking through it. Figured that out, entered, and stood staring in awe, again. Scamps are just two-legged mudcrabs, btw.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:15 pm

I think I was going to the imperial city, and the first quest I took, was the one you would help Jensine and sneak on Thoronir.
Amayway, I got bored when he sat there and just eated his food. I ran uot and explored the city by nightfall. Then I, on my way to the inn, I had the luck to take the way where Thoronir and that smuggler were standing :P
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:53 am

A distinct remembrance I forgot to include in my initial response. I spent a decent amount of time on my avatar's face, the one seen at left. Yet when it came time to pick class, birth-sign, etc. I went against my standard TES practice of creating a totally custom character and simply picked Warrior for both class and birth-sign. My reasoning was that this would be a temporary avatar used to get comfortable with game mechanics, then replaced. Turns out he and I bonded. He remains my avatar-of-choice to this day.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:55 pm

For some of us, the first day was the day Oblivion was released... and can't remember. :P

Oh yeah! I still remember coming out of the tunnel looking around in awe, then getting jumped by those first two NPC's at the Alyeid Ruin.

It was a pretty wild brawl. I was playing it safe because I had no idea how strong they would be. But only one person left that camp site. That was almost 5 years ago.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:25 am

Aww, that was so long ago.
I was only 10 and a half. :P
My brother got oblivion and started playing, he thought it was amazing and he got me to make a character too.
I made a dark elf and I absolutely scared myself silly getting out of the Imperial Jail at the start. xD
After that I was obsessed with only getting pretty dresses. And horses.
Since there were no horses at the stables in the IC, I started walking along the roads until I was attacked by a wolf.
My character was bitten and contracted a disease, and my brother being evil, told me that my character was going to die soon and that I had to stay in the inn until a doctor came. LOL
So I spent like 3 months in REAL TIME wandering around the Inn of Ill Omen.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:46 am

I had to wait while my sons made Kahjiit And Argonian thieves, and played for a while. When I finally got a go, I made a Nord Bard with what passed for a beard, and I remember the boys laughing at me, "your bloke needs a shave, what are you like, dad?" Ran around a bit, met Shady Sam and was really overjoyed when he sold me some lockpicks.
Ran around some more, leveled up too fast, got my butt handed to me on a plate, and made a female Altmer Mage. Never looked back.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:02 am

I swear, if the statistics of every game of Oblivion ever played were compiled, those Vilverin bandits would come out as the top-ranked killers.

Nope, That'd be the Adoring Fan ! Hahahaa
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:58 pm

I remember punching a rat and my little brother screaming when the zombie came round the corner of the tutorial. The first thing I did was try and make gold, by selling all the 0 gold items from the crates in the market district. I didn't realise how little money I was making for ages. Also, I couldn't figure out how to level up, I ended up Googling it.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:16 am

I started off very righteous doing good deeds and the arena not realising there was an assassins guild or thieves guild. When I first accidentally stole a quill I was dooryard by the
Shopkeepers reaction and didn't know what to do I tried calming spells ( not knowing what they did so I went by the name.) I got a huge fright when just after reading no one but yourself may enter your house I completed the arena quest by going to crowhaven etc I got terrified when a dark cloaked man walks into my house gives me a dagger and tells me to kill someone. ( I don't like surprises :( )
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:20 pm

Aww, that was so long ago.
I was only 10 and a half. :P
My brother got oblivion and started playing, he thought it was amazing and he got me to make a character too.
I made a dark elf and I absolutely scared myself silly getting out of the Imperial Jail at the start. xD
After that I was obsessed with only getting pretty dresses. And horses.
Since there were no horses at the stables in the IC, I started walking along the roads until I was attacked by a wolf.
My character was bitten and contracted a disease, and my brother being evil, told me that my character was going to die soon and that I had to stay in the inn until a doctor came. LOL
So I spent like 3 months in REAL TIME wandering around the Inn of Ill Omen.

I started playing when I was eight and even I wasn't THAT gullible.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:55 am

I remember not really understanding fully what was going on, as I had never played a game as large and open as Oblivion before. However, I knew I was playing something very special. :)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:44 am

I started playing when I was eight and even I wasn't THAT gullible.

Well I never really played computer games before that.
Besides, I skipped all the journal notes, I had no idea what the main quest was.
I don't think I've ever read the how to play booklet either...
But eh, got smarter as I aged. :rolleyes:
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:51 pm

Well I never really played computer games before that.
Besides, I skipped all the journal notes, I had no idea what the main quest was.
I don't think I've ever read the how to play booklet either...
But eh, got smarter as I aged. :rolleyes:

I read the instruction booklet sometime after I've played or in the car just after I buy it
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:39 am

Walked out of the sewers, "Oh hai mr. bandit!" died. Re loaded.... "Oh hai mr. bandit!" died. Reloaded..... "Oh hai mr. Bandit" barley survives. Also, I didnt even know you could go inside vilveren for at least a month after playing >.<
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:52 am

Did you go to a guild, raid a dungeon, go the main quest, join a guild, or wander around wondering what the hell was going on till you figured it all out?

I started playing Oblivion for the first time last week so I'm still learning but loving it.Besides trying to figure out how the controls work I'm alternateing between main quests/side quests and how many fights I can win in the arena(no more than 1 fight in a row).Oh I'm still rying to figure out how to catch the fish and my biggest accomplishment is learning how to un overencumber myself.Is it normal for me to be so bad at this game?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:34 pm

I fought my way through the tutorial dungeon, came out into the world, looked around, and was mesmerized. Thrilled. I climbed up the hill behind me, came out in the market district and waited for day. Then I went shopping - sold the stuff I didn't need and bought stuff I thought I would need. Along the way, I talked to Jensine and heard about her problems with Thoronir, so I went and talked to him, didn't find out much of anything, then...... I wandered around and talked to everyone I could find, talked to Jensine again, talked to Thoronir again, still didn't find out anything. Finally, purely by accident, I happened to open my "journal" and read that I had apparently decided that I should follow Thoronir. Somewhat disappointed to learn that through my "journal" rather than in-game, I nonetheless set out to follow him. Followed him, eavesdropped on him and Agarmir, followed Agarmir, so forth, so on. Then it came to the point at which I went back to Thoronir's with the evidence of Agarmir's crimes. Thoronir's response told me pretty much nothing at all. Apparently Agarmir was doing something that day, but I had no idea what, or where. But I noticed, had noticed earlier, that there was a little glowing icon on my compass that marked the location of the person I was dealing with, so, with an ever-growing sense of disappointment, I followed the icon all the way to the door of the Trentius mausoleum - a location that NOBODY had mentioned, that I hadn't been given a single clue or hint regarding, that I ONLY found because the magic map marker pointed to it. And I shut the game off in disgust and didn't play it again for months.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:29 am

After that dungeon i killed few bandits , sold their stuff and then i tried go to jauffre by walking because i didn't know about fast travel system and then i got gangbanged by imp and wolf. :celebration:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:01 am

I went for Weynon because it sounded urgent. Then I remembered it was a Beth game, I could waste over 9000 years and Martin would still be encircled in Kvatch like Hitler in his bunker whining about Xbox Live.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:32 am

First time I played Oblivion was years ago at an internet cafe, my friend owned the game and was like mog this game is epic try it. Being 13 at the time I made the fattest Imperial I could, raced through the tutorial dungeon and used cheats to make my character godlike, all I really did was jump over bandits at vilverin for about 10 minutes before I got bored and played Cod 2. I enjoyed it so much that I got the game but my friend suggested I play it 'properly'. I took my time creating my character and when I left the sewr I pointed my character in the direction of the red quest marker, pressed q and spent 15 minutes watching my character stumble to weynon priory being chased by a nice assortment of creatures (I was surprised that most people in Cyrodiil have huge anger issues and will chase you till one of you drops).
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