» Tue May 17, 2011 2:34 pm
I fought my way through the tutorial dungeon, came out into the world, looked around, and was mesmerized. Thrilled. I climbed up the hill behind me, came out in the market district and waited for day. Then I went shopping - sold the stuff I didn't need and bought stuff I thought I would need. Along the way, I talked to Jensine and heard about her problems with Thoronir, so I went and talked to him, didn't find out much of anything, then...... I wandered around and talked to everyone I could find, talked to Jensine again, talked to Thoronir again, still didn't find out anything. Finally, purely by accident, I happened to open my "journal" and read that I had apparently decided that I should follow Thoronir. Somewhat disappointed to learn that through my "journal" rather than in-game, I nonetheless set out to follow him. Followed him, eavesdropped on him and Agarmir, followed Agarmir, so forth, so on. Then it came to the point at which I went back to Thoronir's with the evidence of Agarmir's crimes. Thoronir's response told me pretty much nothing at all. Apparently Agarmir was doing something that day, but I had no idea what, or where. But I noticed, had noticed earlier, that there was a little glowing icon on my compass that marked the location of the person I was dealing with, so, with an ever-growing sense of disappointment, I followed the icon all the way to the door of the Trentius mausoleum - a location that NOBODY had mentioned, that I hadn't been given a single clue or hint regarding, that I ONLY found because the magic map marker pointed to it. And I shut the game off in disgust and didn't play it again for months.