» Tue May 17, 2011 12:25 am
I played wide-eyed though the tutorial, thinking how awesome and new it was (Oblivion was my first TES, I played them in backwards order, really. Oblivion, then Morrowind, Daggerfall and Arena).
After getting out of the tutoral with my generic Knight class Imperial, I stared at the view from the sewer exit, wandered around the outer-wall of the IC, went into the IC, spent about 20 minutes stealing from Rohssan and walked out of the shop, thinking I was cool and street-wise....until I was greated by "Stop right there, criminal scum! You have violated the law!!".
Of course, me being a TES noob at the time, thought "Haha, stupid guards! My stolen Iron Longsword'll own you!", and pick Resist Arrest. I died.
Reloaded a save before stealing from Rohssan. Did the MQ, started a new character.
Good times....