Well, I went and re-did my test results, just now so I could see if it slows down during prime-time hours, and lo n behold, I was right. My ping got even slower, my upload speed got slower, download speed I think stayed the same, but it likely got a bit slower, just didn't get out of the .02 area.
I think it's time you changed plans O__O I could not survive on those speeds!
Is that 5GB download speed, or 5GB down loadable content? I get 15GB download speed, but 125GB down loadable content.
Link me to your plan and I'll look for you if you like.
I don't know how useful all that is. I'm pretty sure it's just download speed, cause we go onto dial up once that 5 gig os gone at no extra charge, but thing is, our dial-up is so slow that if we go onto dial-up speeds at this time of rhe month, I'll basically get disconnected from our internet. Mum had a fit at me last night when she found I'd already gone through half :whistling:
Can't wait to get back to my flat, we're looking at getting an unlimited internet plan.